Hegel Exercises

Confession time: I don't think video games are art.

I keep reading LePew as LePen, and it really casts this subthread in a different light.

Huh. I wouldn't have batted an eye had you claimed Just War Theory is false (although I might disagree); it's precisely the claim of inconsistency that seems to me farfetched, if for no other reason than it relies on an absolutist reading of the OT's prohibition on killing and the RCC's interpretation of it. And

My understanding is that the Hebrew is something closer to "Thou shalt not murder"; that certainly seems to be the sense in which Jews and Christians have always taken it. (My recollection of the OT/Hebrew Bible is that it's not short on killings it itself portrays as righteous.) Since murder is unlawful or

It does imply that. Is there something wrong with thinking that's true?

I think the theory of Just War was intended to be a limit on sovereigns who saw war as an instrument of aggrandizement. But like any moral concept, add a little casuistry, a pinch of bad faith, and a heaping helping of rapacity, and it can just as easily become an excuse to do thing you were inclined to do anyway.

It'll be just like when I was 10, sitting in the 700 level of the Vet!

I was a little surprised it went unremarked. It's both the thing for which she's most famous (though she's become a broader internet/social media personality since, I think), and something that (obviously) not everyone is going to know.

Reading this comment is like being pelted with batteries.

And even if it wasn't planned, the comment was made in the context of a pretty frank conversation between friends. (Though, in fairness, plenty of people don't know who Bailey Jay is, or that she & Amy are friends, and that was nowhere made explicit in the interview.)

I think the charitable assumption, in this case, is that Amy was giving voice to the questions of the uneducated, and that Bailey had agreed to that sort of interview beforehand.

"What? No, I only visited that site as part of an argument over proper trans nomenclature!"

On the one hand: I know, right?

Bailey Jay, and she's a fairly well-known porn actress.

Yeah. Though maybe Radiohead's our equivalent of middlebrow?

What do you mean, "you people"?

I do enjoy a good whoopie pie. Which, come to think of it, is a very cake-like cookie that we call a pie.

Boon's missed head-shot was fated after he explained to Loretta last week why he never goes for the body.

Credit to Justified's casting director for recognizing that the only thing keeping Sam Elliott from looking like Mephistopheles come fresh from the gates of hell was his mustache.

I'm gonna forget I ever read this comment. I cannot abide the thought of Scrawler being so terribly, terribly wrong about something so vital.