Hegel Exercises

Obviously he opens a women's tennis academy in Monte Carlo.

It can't be overstated: Olyphant & Goggins goddamn killed that scene.

Got it. Yeah, I remember Leonard's comments about the Stetson; great call on connecting it.

I thought it was Boon's hat, but now I'm doubting myself.

For all its bad-ass gunfights (and the occasional cleavering), in the end the show wisely decided to go out on its greatest strength: Raylan and Boyd, talking.

That's a pretty uncharitable assumption.

Michael Cooper is the Lakers player who had the misfortune of trying to contest Dr J's "Rock the Cradle" dunk.

Would Loretta killing Boon with poisoned moonshine be a little too on the nose?

Or maybe the reviewer just thought Quarles' whole psychosexual shtick was a bit much.

Surely this is the first time Coach has ever been grouped alongside X Files and Twin Peaks.

I don't think many people are thinking of GoT when they're talking about prestige dramas—-Sopranos, The Wire, Mad Men, Breaking Bad.

At the time, I found Quarles a bit too over-the-top to really enjoy him as a villain, as much as I liked McDonaugh in the role. Maybe a rewatch would soften the perception, but that's a big part of why I've got S3 behind 2, 6, and 4.

I'd keep tzero's order, with Seasons 2 & 6 constituting tier one; seasons 4 & 3 constituting tier two; season 1 on its own in tier three; and season 5 as on its own at the bottom.

And this was followed by the sound of everyone's* panties hitting the floor, I take it? Because jesus christ, that's almost as cool as "Next one's coming faster."

Raylan's a very different kind of lawman than Bullock, but the latter role certainly established Olyphant's bona fides when it comes to playing "the angriest man I know."

You chose … poorly.


Damn, McNutt. Might as well change your name to Michael Cooper.

This is the best thing I've read on AV Club in I-don't-know-how-long.

What, did she overcook your hamburger?