Hegel Exercises

More of a truth-table man, are you?

"at their behest" or "on their behalf" would be the phrase you're looking for.

I haven't been able to join in the comments section this season, but, hoo boy, are they ever going out on top. Just killing it.

I hope Mary Steenburgen will be playing the same role that she does in Justified.

Oh, come on; those saplings had it coming.

I, for one, applaud the fact that the show doesn't waste time highlighting how ridiculous the thought of Haig's takeover is by having some extra lampshade the point. If some members of the audience are too ignorant of recent history—-or, more implausibly, have some lingering sympathy for the Soviet Union—-well, why

He seems a little bit quicker to snap than Quarles, but I doubt his version of snapping is quite so over-the-top.

I just assumed they were going in to surreptitiously paint the interior some hue so garish that the poor old couple, aesthetic senses in revolt, would have no choice but to sell.

Right. Clearly he knew from whom he was stealing, but it did look like the what surprised him.

As for Boyd's bank heist, I'm assuming it's not accidental that the box has a bunch of deeds in it, while Dillahunt's character's coming around to buy up land.


Don't forget Flashpoint; I know I can't, no matter what the doctors try.

I'd settle for it turning into something like the Chinese TV versions of The Condor Trilogy.

Yeah, but when isn't that true?

I have two more episodes to go, but with what I've seen so far, I totally agree. It's just a shame the show is named after its least interesting element.

The show should absolutely become something like Spartacus on the Silk Road, instead of … whatever the hell it currently is.

A smarter show would've found ways to do interesting things with the (frankly, pretty inevitable) orientalism of the story.

115% of it.

Watched the first two episodes last night.

I don't even mind the amount of lady nudity, if there were a roughly equivalent amount of D&A.