Hegel Exercises

I hate, hate, hate the fact that on this one narrow point, and on this point alone, I agree with the Penn State Truthers: the NCAA had no business claiming jurisdiction here. That they did isn't an exception to the NCAA's usual policies of venality and hypocrisy, but rather an ad hoc effort to attempt to bolster their

Well, that's fucking terrible.

I went to Penn State and … yeah, it's fairly accurate, assuming the high schooler was willing to spend a year or two at one of the satellite campuses. At least when I went there, the criteria for admission to the main campus as a freshman were—well, I'm not gonna say stringent, but they were higher than 'be a PA

There was a piece … uhh, somewhere or other (Grantland, maybe? no, I think Deadspin) about college football at Sewanee/University of the South, a D-III program. It was a really interesting look at the history of the program there, and suggested that the way that the sport looks there is what college football ought to

The influence of the football program over local police seems to be, if not the norm, then at least in no way exceptional among major college football programs; Florida State is just the latest example.

Like I said, I think that is absolutely why Center County (which, IIRC, is pretty reliably Republican in state elections) went against Corbett, and I'm sure your friend is 100% correct about the perception of the election in that neck of the woods.

I went to Penn State, and ended up moving back to State College for a few years while my then-partner was in law school. (I ended up leaving a matter of months before the story broke; you can imagine how thankful I was for that mercy.) While I can't say as I experienced the elitism, there was definitely a sense of

As the internal NCAA emails indicate, at that point, Penn State would've accepted pretty much anything. They were just desperate to appear contrite and to get the process of public penitence started, probably on the notion that the sooner they started, the sooner they could get out from under any sanctions by pointing

That's going a little far. It's certainly why Center County went for Wolf instead of Corbett, but there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the incumbent on a lot of different fronts.

Hilarious misfortune? I mean, the Eagles have had plenty of disappointments, but no Jets-level blunders that I can think of … not recently, anyway.

Philadelphians refuse to cede the title of most hatred group in the US to anyone, least of all their Appalachian cousins.

I lived in Nashville for 6 years or so in the aughts. I think I spotted a few, but could never get any conclusive evidence.

Well, it seems like she's fitting in just fine over at Salon.

He was on Arli$$? Really? I have to completely reconsider the man's place in the world.

That guy's done everything. Miami Vice, the Eagles … Miami Vice.

I lost mine to Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game."

Why on earth would she be reading the first Critique? Sartre I can see, but Kant? No way.

Huh. I'll have to rewatch it and see if my impression has changed any. (I think it's also worth mentioning that wuxia plots are … uhh, a little untidy as a general rule [Condor Trilogy, anyone?], which I'm sure I didn't appreciate the first time around.) I have seen CTHD recently, though, and I definitely don't agree

I have some residual affection for this show, based largely on the promise of some of its earliest episodes and Bechir's solid performance throughout, but I have to say that if it's not renewed, I won't miss it one bit.

Which one was better than CTHD, HoFD or Hero? I could see the case for the latter, but I recall Flying Daggers being kind of a mess. (A pretty mess, but still a mess.)