Hegel Exercises

I'm afraid that's going to be a transcendental deduction on your grade.

In Soviet Russia, mortality fucks you!

Ahh, must have missed that line, but that makes sense. (In the loose sense of 'sense' one applies to this show.)

I think that's probably not something you need to be afraid of. I say "probably" because, I mean, I guess it's possible, I don't really know you, etc., etc., even though it sounds like just the sort of thing that disordered thinking will convince you is true to keep you from getting better.

I'm not super-inclined to stand up for the show (and yet I keep watching …), but I don't recall any clear indications that the girls are underage. It's still creepy, because they're all college-age at most, and all Asian, but I'm not sure it's Chris Hanson telling you to "have a seat" creepy.

It can be two things!

A beautiful German woman is telling me how inadequate I am, and that's supposed to be a minus?

Inseam Empire

This episode was pretty much a mess, and it's comes annoyingly close to indulging in the worst and most hackneyed portrayals of a married couple, but goddamn if you can't see the promise of the series if it can find a way to avoid the pitfalls of the married couple comedy and put together something like an original

I'm digging the move toward 'Weird Bridge' overall, but there were moments—the taxidermist's, the drag show, the DEA agent painting his miniatures, everything with Franka—where it felt like the show was just trying too hard, like they asked themselves before every scene, "How can we make this more Lynchian?"

And he'd have them, too, if it weren't for the misandrist policies of so-called 'Family Courts'!

A show set in Philadelphia featuring Frank Sobotka & Mark Brandanawicz?! Sign me up!

Hitchens is the other one I think usually gets associated with them. But he's dead now, surely being tormented in brimstone and hellfire for his many transgressions against our Lord, so he probably doesn't count.

Someone thought Spoils of Babylon was hilarious?!

I assumed they pelted him because he's an unpopular prick who outs the sins of the departed. Can't help you with how they would've noticed him, tho.

Isn't the English flag an Anglican thing?

I'm with Sacrelicious on this one. Kevin is just behind Dave in my book.

See, Mark McKinney? It's never too late!

Whenever I get annoyed with the AV Club's TV coverage, I just remind myself that this is the place that convinced me that, hey, maybe Hannibal isn't be the toxic garbage fire that youd expect from a 'serial killer prequel on NBC'.

I didn't end up being as much of a fan of Fargo as some, but I'm totally & completely on Team Tolman. Very glad she got recognized.