Hegel Exercises

Yeah, I wasn't trying to imply that any show or actor in particular that was left out is better than the best of the actual nominees. Assuming that the best of them do win (probably a bad assumption, but still), I don't think there'll be any terribly unjust results in the major categories.

I think the most charitable explanation is that it's just too much for the voters to take. I love the show like Garret Jacob Hobbes loves wind-chapped cheeks, but I don't begrudge people who can't stomach it.

Classic Poe's Law.

OK, AV Club: nominations for the Emmy categories using only shows/actors that were eligible but not nominated this year.

She's nominated as a Guest.

And nothing for Hannibal.

Hr'll buh bugh rill sehn.

I like Franke Potente a lot. Eleanor Nacht is a shitty name.

Not usually a fan of Grantland's Andy Greenwald, but I liked his distinction between The Bridge and The Weird Bridge, and I'm cautiously optimistic that the show is opting for the latter version and that it'll be better than the serial killer nonsense we got last season.

Yeah, I started going grey around the temples at 30, and thinning out on top a few years later. It all happened a little earlier than I might have preferred (I didn't & don't mind the grey one bit, actually), but I don't think it was particularly unusual, either.

Sometimes, apropos nothing, I'll think of the line "Why don't you just tell me the name of the movie you selected," and I'll break out laughing. I don't know why, but the delivery on that line kills me.

"Take that, Mark Linn-Baker!"

Uh, maybe that sometimes it's hard to decide whether a show is good or bad based on two episodes?

If they were content with statutorily-approved girls (or boys), they wouldn't have to go found a cult, now would they?

Nick Kroll in his Pawnsylvania sketch was one of the best non-native attempts at the accent I've heard. Not perfect by any means, but got closer than most. And, really, as long as someone realizes it's not a Jersey or Brooklyn accent, I'm reasonably happy.

Ahh, right. I was definitely listening to the single version. I'd forgotten about that; Solutions was really popular as soon as it came out, but once the 'Cleaned Visions' single dropped, it absolutely ruled the dance floor for months afterward, probably because every night I some asshole wouldn't stop pestering the

I knew a fair number of people who listened to them (definitely more in the goth scene), but yeah, I never once recall hearing them in a club.

Upon rediscovering it last night, I proceeded to listen to 'Cleaned Visions' five or six times in a row.

Among my friends, I remember wumpscut was always really divisive; there were some of us who couldn't stand him, and some who thought he was the shit. I didn't much care for anything other than Bunkertor 7, myself.

Halber Mensch is a fantastic album; one of my all-time favorites, and one of the few I'd listen to after I moved away from most industrial. 'Yu-Gung' especially.