Hegel Exercises

That's because girls aren't any good at math.

Odd that Last Week Tonight has shown more cock than GoT.

I liked Margot from the jump; I'm not ashamed to admit her outfit sold me on the character almost immediately. Mason … it took me a while to warm up to him; his channeling Ledger's Joker felt like it belonged on a different show at first. But as soon as we get to see him in Hannibal's office, I was on-board there,

Totally understand the impulse to insist on criticisms of something you like very much in response to over-praise; I've felt the same way about … oh, pretty much every single show that I really like after I read comments about it here. (That's why I don't participate too much in episode review comments sections, tbh.)

The show doesn't do mystery nearly as well as it thinks it does, that's for damn sure, and it'd be better if they didn't try. And I think this is indirectly part of the problem with Alana this season, too—she's meant to be in the dark about what's going on in a way that I think is supposed to make her an audience

I think the stronger procedural elements of S1 did dilute its effect, and by the time we're seeing giant totems made of bodies, that side of the show started to feel self-indulgent in its own way to me.

Can some version of it still happen? Please? Pretty please with Mason Verger's flayed facial skin on top?

If next season is, at least in part, various people (Will, Jack, & Alana especially) trying to come to grips with the psychic damage Hannibal's left in his wake, I think she could fit in quite nicely.

You don't happen to live in the Baltimore metro area, do you?

She was wearing an even more massive choker the first time we saw Margot, right? Or the first time she met with Hannibal, anyway.

My theory after that episode was that Will gave Alana a Chekov's gun. The fact that the promo nodded in that direction actually makes me less confident, though.

98% enchanterrified, 2% gibbering madness.

"Face … off"

By far the most brutal. Forget Hannibal, I'm hard pressed to think of anything on TV that was that horrifying.

For me, nothing—nothing—will surpass the ear-in-the-feeding-tube noise, in the category of creepy Hannibal sound design.

I've tried and tried; I've managed to convince one person to stick with it, and now she's all in.

Last week totally sold me on Pitt's performance, after I was initially skeptical (to put it very mildly). And seeing where he ends up? Yeah, it's hard to complain about 'over the top' in that context.

Just ask Alana!

It started when Mason left his suitcoat on Hannibal's couch last episode; it took a step further when Mason rifled through Hannibal's drawings and put his feet up on his desk. But when he stuck a knife into the furniture?

Oh, man, his aphorisms. I need to reread all of them. Like, right now.