Hegel Exercises

Yup. My seventh grade teacher was INSANE about sentence diagramming, and I don't doubt that it paid dividends for me later on—especially when it came time to read the tortuous sentences you find in, say, Kant.

There was a prof at my alma mater—semi-well-known in certain circles as a translator of Levinas—by the name of Al Lingis.

Look, I've read nearly everything of Nietzsche's there is to read, and done so with relish, but there is no way in hell I'd use him as a 'dealmaker'. Waaaay too many bad experiences through college and, to a lesser extent, grad school to plant that flag.

Jordan Schlansky was by far the best thing to come out of the writer's strike.

The only one who wondered, or … ?

You forgot the part where the 'pox on both your houses' asshole shows up, acting like he's so much more well-adjusted than the rest of us, even as he bitches on the internet just like everyone else.

Suck it, True Detective!

"It's a really dangerous philosophy …"

Man, what the fuck. "So Did the Fat Lady" was as affecting an episode of Louie as there's been, and this is the series that gave us "Eddie."

I was shocked—shocked—to see Andy Carroll do absolutely nothing of the sort.

The sequence where Pitt leaves the couch, it cuts to Mikkelsen looking back in that direction, then back to the couch where Pitt left his suit coat is perfect.

Truth. So much motherfucking truth.

I feel like you've never actually been on this site before.

Yeah, I'd argue for Inland Empire's inclusion—at least as a weird, fucked-up coda—but I look at that sequence pretty much the same way.

(Edit: of course someone did this line already. Carry on.)

Oh, you poor, sweet, summer child.

Yeah, BV is more straightforward, but I think MD is actually better if you want to start to get a handle on Lynch's preoccupations. Not as straightforward as BV, but more revealing, I'd say.

Awwwwww snap. It's on.

I'm no Marx fan, but 18th Brumaire is really top-notch as a piece of historical writing.

I saw a clip from a post-game interview with West; a reporter asked him what they needed to do to get Hibbert going, and while he eventually gave the bland, predictable, team-first answer, he took a good 15 seconds where he just shook his head, sighed, and gave a wide-eyed stare. It was perfect.