Hegel Exercises

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus I actually don't disagree with your take on the particulars of LUST's case; I think you're right that the fact that she's writing to an advice columnist about what to do is a pretty good sign she's let this go too far already, and the fact that she's very close to the

I'm not so worried about Bichir's character getting fleshed out — it's Kruger's that elicits that concern for me.  Hopefully the directness with which the show leaned on her non-neurotypical-ness is a function of being a pilot, and not a sign that they're going to give us a diagnosis in lieu of a character.

Or the third (I think it's the third?) part of 2666!  Which, holy fuck, still bums the shit out of me however many years it's been since I read it.

I'm trying to keep an open mind on the subject, but so far the contrast feels kind of by-the-numbers.  Bichir is great, though.

It's … a lot to take.

@avclub-8bf222b92447aa41ed4ffdf8e4f60c75:disqus That's almost certainly the case.  It was, however, fun to watch A Mighty Wind with my mom and have her rattle off which real group each of the fakes were based on.

Man, I must've put on 10lbs. during grad school thanks to Cheeseburger Charley's.

Well that needs to happen.

But how would they find about it?  If I'm a reasonably well-socialized human being, I can draw the line between my fantasies and reality, my respect for other people as persons will trump my urges to act on those fantasies (assuming I even have those urges — don't you ever have fantasies that you wouldn't want to act

@avclub-d0dfbf82a0232e4c63faf5016c25b7d5:disqus Yeah, I think it'd be important for him to try to assess whether his discomfort with the act is coloring his view of its extremity and danger before suggesting therapy, but regardless, that discomfort is reason enough to quit with the chokey sex already.

Your over-reactions to the fact that people fantasize about other people and to the fact that someone self-promotes to an audience that's presumably receptive to his work are weird, and you should feel weird.

I'm really loathe to psychopathologize sexual preferences, but if the asphyxiation fetish is as extreme as THROTTLE makes it out to be, maybe he wants to steer her toward therapy as best he can, regardless of whether he D's TMFA.

Allow me to add to the chorus of 'dings'.  I've heard a version of this story from a good friend of mine, who was — to her credit — much more clear about her reaction to the man's post-coital behavior (which was more or less the same as in TURISTA's): viz. anger at that guy for acting like he was the one who 'won' the

If you're looking for a moment when folk music wasn't counter-cultural, you'd want to look at the Kingston Trio — my impression is that they smoothed off a lot of the left-wing associations that had preceded them (thanks to folks like Guthrie and Seeger), while setting the stage for the popularity of the 'hippie

"and you can probably guess the rest…"

Plus, it needs to be about five paragraphs longer and at least two to three times more precious to really capture his essence.

I didn't catch Homeland season 2 yet, and my love of Justified knows no bounds, so I'd swap Mandy for Goggins.  Otherwise, I'd keep that list as is.

Oh, very cool.  Haven't listened to much in … a lot of years, but that definitely looks like something worth checking out.  Thanks for the rec.

Had an advantage — and it wasn't much of one even by 2008, I think.  But that match was Venus at her absolute grass court best.  The way her legs would just eat up the court … what a sight.  I loved every minute of it, and I was sure the men's final was going to be a disappointment in comparison.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus  It's not like the top 3 are dominating because the sport lacks depth; there are a lot of quality players in the top 20, and this Wimbledon especially shows the danger of any pro on their day (though 1st week Wimbledon is maybe more prone to upsets at this point than any