Hegel Exercises

I'm mostly inured to it, at this point.  But a Sharapova-Azarenka match is truly an ordeal, and I challenge anyone to watch three sets of that at normal volume and tell me maybe there should be some limits on the grunting.

I think there have been periods where the women's game has been miles more compelling than the men's — the first half of the aughts was dreadful for men's tennis, unless you were interested in seeing which schlub Federer would eviscerate this tournament, and really excellent for women's (the Williams sisters coming

My favorite thing Simmons ever wrote — appropriately enough, given the (botched) reference to Federer/Nadal above — was an article before Wimbledon '08 where he said something like "What if, in two weeks time, the greatest tennis match ever were played.  Would anyone even notice?"  He followed this supposition by

Weird tennis legends you're consulting; the Federer/Nadal match to which you're referring occurred in 2008.  Funnily enough, had it not been for that amazing spectacle, more people would remember that the excellent women's final that year was an all-Williams affair, won by Venus, and one of the few such matches that

I have no idea what B&W will do, but I found that shit unbearable in the books, and the show thus far has managed to be worse.

"Hey guys, don't forget about tennis!"

Auf geht's, Deutschland!  No one can stop der Mannschaft.

Why don't you just tell me the name of the movie you've selected?

Incredible episode.  Incredible season.

I wonder how many people would've watched this show were it not for strongly positive early critical notices and subsequent word of mouth?  Tens?  Hundreds?  Because everything about the bare pitch of the show (the network on which it airs not least of all) screamed boondoggle, and it's turned out to be my absolute

Holy shit, you guys.  How does this show manage to continue being this gripping, this disturbing, and this beautiful all at the same time?

I was really struck by that, too.  The whole 'collection of strays' thing, which could've easily been a too-convenient-by-half prop in the hands of a lesser show, has been one of my favorite touchstones when it comes to Will.

I believe in one of the ads for the movie, Will Smith's character says just that: "everything on this planet has evolved to kill humans" (or something).

Even knowing full well the kitchen in which it was prepared, my brain spoke unanimously upon seeing that dessert:

They can't not give this show another season, right?  Right?!

Although given Hannibal's tastes, he could actually be talking about Tobias there.

Even if this show were utter dreck otherwise — and, to my continued surprise, it's really not! — shots like that, as distressing as they are, would have me coming back week after week.

Count me among those for whom S3 was less enjoyable than the current season, but the scene of which you speak?

In that moment, I was overtaken by the spirit of Zodiac Motherfucker, and lo, I did praise the MASSIVE OWNAGE.

I don't know if I quite agree that Patton was the best thing about it, but boy howdy did they manage to make the Constable Bob character pay off in motherfucking spades tonight.