Hegel Exercises

Gilles de Rais!

@TestTubeMonkey:disqus : It's not 'Baby carriage for sale, never used', but it's damn close.

I know GEICO doesn't have a stellar track record in this department, but I'd wholly support seeing that ad turned into a network sitcom — or at least a wacky physical challenge show, a la Wipeout.

Well it makes a hell of a lot more sense than those 'vortex bottles', or whatever the fuck they were.

For all Ted's undeniable douchiness, his paean to the willingness to make an ass of oneself was, to me, profoundly winning, and as touching and powerful a moment as the reveal of "The Robin."

For all Ted's undeniable douchiness, his paean to the willingness to make an ass of oneself was, to me, profoundly winning, and as touching and powerful a moment as the reveal of "The Robin."

When I saw the path of Sandy projected to travel directly over my home (viz. southern burbs of Philly), I thought, "Boy, I might actually be fucked this time."

When I saw the path of Sandy projected to travel directly over my home (viz. southern burbs of Philly), I thought, "Boy, I might actually be fucked this time."

And the Grosse Pointe Blank soundtrack?  I'm sorry, but that is solid.  It features "Lorca's Novena," for fuck's sake!

And the Grosse Pointe Blank soundtrack?  I'm sorry, but that is solid.  It features "Lorca's Novena," for fuck's sake!

Yup.  That about covers it.

Yup.  That about covers it.

I googled 'The Loneliest Planet spoiler'; I went to the very first result; mission accomplished.

I googled 'The Loneliest Planet spoiler'; I went to the very first result; mission accomplished.

I'm sure I don't really mean this, but I'm tempted to say that my all-time favorite is "George Will's Sports Machine."

I'm sure I don't really mean this, but I'm tempted to say that my all-time favorite is "George Will's Sports Machine."

@ColdGottoBe:disqus You're not the first to recommend Lagunitas to me — I'll definitely keep an eye out.

@ColdGottoBe:disqus You're not the first to recommend Lagunitas to me — I'll definitely keep an eye out.

These days if I'm going to have something hoppy, it better also be seriously malty, too — Imperial IPAs or strong ales or barleywines (essentially indistinguishable as types, far as I can tell) are usually good bets, but the straight-up hoppiness of most regular IPAs … I guess I've just lost my taste for them.

These days if I'm going to have something hoppy, it better also be seriously malty, too — Imperial IPAs or strong ales or barleywines (essentially indistinguishable as types, far as I can tell) are usually good bets, but the straight-up hoppiness of most regular IPAs … I guess I've just lost my taste for them.