Hegel Exercises


Wait, Zipperhead closed?  When the paul f tompkins did that happen?

In the end, I think the Quarles arc got stretched out one or two episodes too long; what struck you as a wild card felt to me at the end like deferring the inevitable for no particularly compelling reason.  (It doesn't help that the cleaver scene left me cold, but I realize I'm in an awfully small minority there.)

EDIT: Nah. Nevermind.

I'm not saying the fact that my comment a few weeks ago (to the effect that I couldn't believe it took Rabin 3 hours to write the same shitty review every week) got upward of 200 likes convinced him to stop doing those reviews, but I'm not not saying it, either.

Something tells me that the relationship between Errol and the pigs would've been reversed had he not opted to square things by taking the lye.

You know what also lasts longer than grade school and high school put together?

"Why, Raylan" — cut to a look of bemusement on Raylan's face; cut back to Boyd with a knowing smile — "I am a man of (half-beat pause) many enthusiasms."

You … you've made a mistake.

So, so awesome that the AVC's doing this.  This is generally my favorite feature on the site even when it's not about a show I love as much as Justified, so I'll probably be up late the next couple nights anxiously hitting F5 waiting for the next installment.

I think there's probably something to the role of gunpowder in breaking the back of aristocratic/feudal power (though there were certainly other things eating away at aristocratic power), but the ascendancy of firearms seemed to do little to prevent absolutist monarchies or despotisms of almost every conceivable

"Coincided" being the key word there, and that's being generous with the timelines.

Funny, thousands of hours with Sid Meier's Civilization are exactly what convinced me that people never matter.

Why would gunpowder do that?

Pretty much.  Not an offer I'd accept, but the fact that she'd make it?

Streamlining the Arya bit was very welcome; I found that a real bore in the books.  The sooner we get to Jaqen, the better; that's really the only part of Arya's story I like for a long, long time.

Yeah, that's not Opus Dei.  I believe Gibson's father is/was a sedevacantist; however conservative Opus Dei may be, they don't go so far as to say Vatican II was heretical, and that the papacy has effectively been vacant since '63.

You forgot Olyphant's wry smile and Lewis's rueful grin at the end.

Well, if I can stay up, I'll catch the 1 am rerun.  I guess it's possible I'll appreciate the climactic scene a bit more the second time around, but I kind of doubt it — while I was a little disappointed that we didn't get the Quarles/Raylan face-off, I don't think that's ultimately what left me cold to that turn of