Hegel Exercises

This season has been Tim-teasing us pretty consistently.  I'm not wild about it.

@avclub-f2b489efd726db529335e31c83509c73:disqus you might not want to say that sight unseen.

Yeah, that was a pretty smart touch.

Can Wynn take the leap to big fish status?  I don't know, but I wouldn't mind seeing him try.

I think I'm less bothered by the subversion of the showdown than what they subverted it for.

@avclub-e6ec91cba600ca785d5e02beb0d0c8eb:disqus , I pay motherfuckers* $125/hour to figure me out, and they ain't got shit.  No reason you should be expected to do better.

Serious as a heart attack.  (Well, the any possible universe thing was obviously hyperbole, but otherwise.)

Huh.  Weird.

Boyd vs. Limehouse will loom large, I figure.  Limehouse may want to be out, but his connection to Johnny's bound to come out.

That scene was pretty fucking awesome.  Jere's been Justified's 6th man of the year, no doubt.

All Raylan needed when he delivered the 'disarmed' line was a pair of sunglasses.

He & Raylan were struggling with it when he was, uh, dispossessed of his sidearm.

Let's just get this out of the way: there's no universe in which the way Quarles died can not be disappointing.  Whatever the narrative justification for the decision to end things the way they ended — and "disarmed" almost makes it worthwhile — that just can't not leave us unsatisfied.

I feel like we're connected somehow.

I think Quarles gets to be the first on-screen victim of Chekov's Slaughterhouse.


I would watch the shit out of that show.

Aaaaaaand you just sold me on this show.

Was that the second song they did?  Because, yeah, that sounded awfully familiar.

Gee gee gee gee, baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee, baby baby baby.