Hegel Exercises

I can only assume that the meeting also included significant numbers of AV Club commenters.

"The biggest cult band of all time"?  That sounds like something between faint praise and a backhanded compliment.

Yeah, it's really weird.  Did they all sit down and agree that they were going to dislike this season of 30 Rock beforehand?

Unfortunately, Arrested Development already mined incest for about all the comedy gold it can produce.

What I took away from that comment: Community is the Rush of sitcoms.

Also redundant, stagnant & anti-climactic: Rabin's reviews.

Which side is the one that just thinks episode just wasn't very good?

The Troy/Abed thing was insufferable, except when John Goodman was involved.

Dude, those are completely different Lavamen.

The difference being that Wynn let them clarify their purpose without escalating things to the point of actual violence.

Who had that reaction to Nick Cannon marrying Mariah Carey?!

I almost wish I'd read the book after I'd seen the movie with that one, because I have a suspicion that I would've reacted to the movie differently — maybe not any less positively, but differently all the same — if my recollection hadn't been filling in blanks left by the movie's incredibly compressed approach.

Oh, and can we have a Justified spin-off detailing Art's (mis)adventures as a federal marshal in New York in the 80s, please?

I think the only thing better than Jeremy Davies' acting is his hair, which is like some crazy mash-up of MC Escher & HR Giger prints.

I think the show wanted to play up the carpetbagger angle —that  whatever his competence back in Detroit (and it's clear he had some, uh, impulse control issues), his arrogance and contempt was always going to be his downfall in Harlan.

Limehouse doing the malevolent butchery thing was never that great to begin with, really, and it's not gotten better with repetition.

Yeah, that might have been the exchange of the night.  Loved it.

I look forward to watching this season at an absurd clip when it's released on DVD, because I'm curious to see how well everything holds up.  I've really enjoyed this season, and this episode was no exception, but I do wonder if the fact that the show's got a million balls in the air at a time this season will hold up

I thought the fact that Raylan just completely fucked up the inference that the two Detroit men were there to get rid of Quarles, not help him; that the reason he fucked up the inference is because he couldn't help busting the kid's balls in the bar; and that he felt like Lord Douchebag as soon as he realized he

Definitely a lot of set-up, but (again, for the umpteenth time) there are so many great moments to leaven the exposition: Raylan & Art in the car, Raylan & Art after Art shot that dude, Raylan & the bartender, any scene with Dickie, Adam Arkin showing up, and getting to see Duffy do something other than stare blankly