Hegel Exercises

I think Seitz puts his finger on the sad irony of the fate of these horses on Luck: this is (soon to be was) a show that's suffused with love for these animals.  The horror we rightly feel at the fact that these horses had to be euthanized is amplified by the fact that the show, in word and image, made it so easy to

The friend Seitz quotes in his article has the explanation that seems most plausible to me; to wit, "Here's the show's conundrum: they can't use great thoroughbreds, too valuable. So they use older ones or ones that aren't running well. Well, that's a recipe for disaster. Not to mention the things are bred to a

The Poe's Law of Community: there's no facetious praise you can offer that hasn't been matched and topped by someone praising it sincerely.

What you need to realize about Community is that it's not just a sitcom, but in fact an update of the Bildungsroman for the media-saturated early 21st century.

Wow.  I thought I made some dumb-ass picks (New Mexico State, Onanymous?  Really?), but this makes me feel better.

I appreciated the Settlers of Catan reference.

I had that problem, too.  I think what I did to fix it is use the Disqus Edit Profile function; I got there from the Disqus icon right above the 'Add New Comment' field.

It was good to see Shirley and Pierce have things to do.  I appreciated that.  I didn't laugh, but I appreciated that.

Whenever I read the comments of an article about Community, I inevitably end up telling myself that I need to watch less TV.

Sherriff Napier is such a fucking piece of shit I can't help but love seeing him on screen.

Normally, I think "so-and-so was asking for it" is a reprehensible defense, but in this case, Kurt did literally ask for it.  Last time I checked, the title of the song isn't "(Anyone but the Muppets) Rape Me."

One for each kidney.

I think you mean "in any possible universe."

No, no, no.  That was the best part.

The best thing about KoP is (was?  I assume it's still that way) the fact that it's divided into a rich mall and a poor mall.  Well, not 'poor', really, but poor relative to the obscene wealth of the rich mall.

@avclub-e9ff4d75e5f009d75101694ff6f1f80a:disqus  & @avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus :
Cop Duos: 1. Briscoe & Logan 2. Ceretta & Logan 2. Briscoe & Curtis 4. Greevey & Logan 5. Briscoe & Green 5. Lupo & Bernard 7. Fontana & Green 8. Fontana & Falco 9. Green & Cassady
Lieutenants: 1. Van Buren 2. Cragen


Yeah, you got this wrong.

I enjoyed that, too.

I would gladly take your rapturous and transcendent, albeit sloppy, seconds.