Hegel Exercises

Agreed about the line of the night — the detective's fawning was surpassed in awesomeness only by the off-handed explanation Raylan gave of the move's source — and the Searcy/Tobolwsky exchanges were priceless.  If the show was nothing but alternating scenes of Raylan & Boyd, then Art & Barkley, I'd watch it no less

I think that last look he gave to the door after Raylan left indicates that he's this close to turning on Quarles.

This is pretty much my reaction.  "Andrew in Drag" is a great Magnetic Fields song; it's exactly what I want without being entirely what I expect.  Everything else on the album either wasn't what I wanted or was entirely what I expected.

More like 'wonder erection', where the two 'er' sounds get kind of mashed together.

Although, pro-tip, stick with the worms.  Banquets … get complicated.

That line was my favorite.

If NASCAR could guarantee — in writing — one jet fuel fire per race … y'know, I still wouldn't watch.

I've never given it any thought, but "Hold On, Hold On" might be my 7th favorite song of the 2000's, also.

I went and found a video of Radiohead's performance of "National Anthem," and hot holy fuck, did they kill it.  In a good way.  And that's a song that I can imagine a bad mix utterly fucking up.

I can hook you up with some Don Henley LPs on the cheap, bro.

Oh shit.  That's her?  From that song?

I'm not especially sensitive to violence in movies, but that movie fucked. me. up.

That Maya Angelou sketch was indeed SNL's once-a-season triumph.

Like anyone doesn't know Genesis 38:8, Todd!

Forget Raylan & Lana; I want Art & Malory.


Well, that interview just about clears up everything that came up in the comments.

Well, since the eponymous Jameson was a Scot, and thus very likely some form of Protestant or another, you can make as good a case that it's Protestant as you can for Bushmills.

I heard Marc Maron interview him on WTF, and he's got this weirdly earnest, aww shucks vibe to him - it's absolutely not dickish when you hear him talk (although it is kind of mysterious how a guy with that personality can also be funny), but on the page, yeah, he sounds like a bit of a douche.

I was thinking about the "hiring Quarles' own men" bit - maybe the idea is that Quarles doesn't really have his own men in this neck of the woods.  Whatever hooks he has - or the people he represents have - in the Dixie Mafia, they're still out of towners, and they still need to rely on local talent to do their work.