Hegel Exercises

You know that ad they have for the show on IFC that consists of one rambling review that references the narcissism of minor differences, and one that just says "fun"?  This episode was a little too much of the former, and not enough of the latter.


Let's rein it in, people; no need to saddle an already sad event with neigh-saying.  While this is a baleful development - a real nightmare - I say we make hay while the sun shines.

FTR, I don't think there's anything bad per se about being showy - up until the preacher impression in the latest episode, I liked Quarles's showy streak.  I'm guessing I'll like it going forward, too.  Neal McDonough does it very well, and it works well as a contrast to all the laconic, easy-going hill folk that

I don't think so.  It sure looked to me like the cop was surreptitiously listening in on Dickie's & Boyd's conversation in jail, and it didn't read to me like Boyd was pulling one over on Raylan when they met in Johnny's bar.

Having a contraption that lets you quick-draw a tiny pistol out of your suit-sleeve is showier than just about anything else ever.

Sorry, didn't mean Limehouse's appearance in this episode; I thought he was good in this one.  I meant his very first appearance in the first episode of the season, where he was oh-so-menacingly butchering that pig, instead of just plain old butchering it.  Let's face it: when you're breaking an animal down into

Yeah, too much.  Way too much.  That and the initial scene with Limehouse were too broad.  I've liked what they've done with Quarles otherwise, and what they've done with Limehouse since, but I get the feeling the show's going to be dancing on the edge of scene-chewing with those two for a while.

Yeah, I thought they'd play it a little slower, too.  Well, right up until Devil confronted Boyd with Johnny.  At which point, come on - only one way that's going to turn out.

For the record, if conventionally pretty southern girls are your thing, there ain't nowhere better than Vanderbilt.

For the majority of the ad, when it was just his voice-over, my eyes were in a state of near-constant rolling.  But … yeah, once he showed up, and he spit out those lines through that clenched jaw, I fucking listened.

I, for one, look forward to obsessive observations about Kerry Condon.  It'll make me feel less alone and creepy.

I had the same thought about the scene in the car.  A misstep in an otherwise sure-footed episode, and strangely un-Milchy.


Is Howard Webb supposed to be a good ref?  Because he's been kind of crap every time I've seen him.

You just blew my mind.

Best part of the show: Bon Iver doing "Holocene."

Species?  I'm not even sure I'm a member of the same order.

Yeah.  I didn't quite like the episode as much as you did, but, man, this review was crap.  The weird cliffhanger at the end really put it over the top for me; all it needed was a "And nothing else was ever the same again."

That's the thing … WE DON'T KNOW.