Hegel Exercises

I have to figure that they're just setting up the pins for Raylan to go knocking down as the season progresses.  Establishing what Boyd & co. are up to, introducing Limehouse & Quarles, and dealing with the Harlan County criminals of the week is a lot to accomplish in 40-some minutes.

Blue book is the worst.  THE WORST.

Minus the 'mental' part, sure.

"Why am I not in that movie!?!  … Oh, wait."

My favorite phrase ever from a Pitchfork review: "shit-fi troubadour."


I'm not sure anything has ever necessarily appealed to me; all sorts of things contingently appeal to me, and some things didn't necessarily not appeal to me[1], but I've never had the pleasure of finding something that appealed to me in all possible worlds.

Good point about the GoT comparison; I remember the butchery in that scene being far more off-handed & far less showy than Limehouse's scene.  Which made it waaaaay more menacing.

The scenes with Art & the protected witness/killer (Terry?) were really nicely done.  The shots focus on what Terry was doing surreptitiously, making it look like he was pulling one over on Art, while the only shot that gives an indication that Art knows something is hinky is the depressions on the carpet.  So when it

David Foster Wallace wrote something to the effect of* "Tarantino wants to show you a man cutting off another man's ear; Lynch wants to show you the ear."  I don't have anything to say about that line, except that it always springs to mind when I see this movie.

I admit, I only skimmed the review - what exactly happens If You Seek Amy?

That's an understandable perspective, ubik, and I can't disagree with the narrative logic of Art's annoyance even aside from that whole dubious money locker thing.

I'm watching the scene again right now, thanks to FX replaying the episode.


That was one loose thread from last season that seemed to go un-pulled-upon: other than the pregnant pause in the beginning when Winnona was talking to Art, Art's loss of patience with Raylan seemed to go by the wayside.

Well, since Boyd was angling to get sent to prison to rain-check Dewey's ass, he could afford to be sanguine about the whole thing.

I had a pretty good idea how the face-off between Raylan and Nix was gonna go down - the ice pick thing is cute, son, but be real for a minute - and I squealed in delight when it happened anyway.

I think I was due for my biannual reminder that I like Bauhaus.  Thanks!

They did a bit on Weekend Update a couple years ago with Abby Elliot doing Sarah MacLachlan; it was pretty funny, as I recall.  They've gotten a lot of mileage out of those ads over the years.

But Wagner was an anti-semite, so I think we can all agree he had it coming.