
Alright, but besides Prime, The Man in the High Castle, Pantry bonuses, free ebooks, and six dollar blu-rays, what has Amazon ever done for us?

Alright, but besides Prime, The Man in the High Castle, Pantry bonuses, free ebooks, and six dollar blu-rays, what

“I raped her, I murdered her, I killed her children. Yes I did! Yes I did!”


They’re not an educational institute or library; they’re not protected by fair-use.

“I don’t like it,” and “It’s bad,” are two different things. Christ.


Great, what’s your full name and home address?

Maybe she has to keep reasserting it because jackasses keep saying she’s not genuine?

So basically it’s impossible for them to win.

To start with the argument that it is a miracle that the Earth is neither too close or too far from the sun, I advise you to ask the philosophers of Venus and Mars what they think.

Check out Nostalrius.

I will smurf you up, mothersmurfer. I don’t give a SMURF.

All this has happened before.

71% of adults have a Facebook account.

From this day forward, Flight Control will be known by two words: ‘Tough’ and ‘Competent.’ Tough means we are forever accountable for what we do or what we fail to do. We will never again compromise our responsibilities. Every time we walk into Mission Control we will know what we stand for. Competent means we will

FIRST they claim that big eastern land mass is the Soviet Union. NOW they says it’s Russia and a bunch of other so-called “countries”. Which is it, Big Globe? Can’t keep the LIES straight?

Name three.

Yeah, that’s why I saw multiple parents in my theater weeping throughout most of the film.

Yeah, new ideas, like Flash Gordon, Dune, and Kurosawa films.

Another, Apollo 13, was unable to land after mechanical problems