+ the Japanese for another 6 prior to that
+ the Japanese for another 6 prior to that
have you seen your QB depth chart.
Note that Cuba pre-revolution was so segregated, and the country so wholly subjugated, that their dictator Fulgencio Batista couldn’t get into the fancy clubs because he wasn’t white
Vince Young did have talent. Unfortunately, he had Jeff Fisher as a coach. I think knowing what we know now (with Foles, Keenum, etc.) Jeff Fisher is actively harmful to youth development.
Given that Heitkamp intends to vote to endorse any and all of Trump’s supreme court nominees (that’ll overturn Roe any any of the New Deal/Civil Rights legislation left), what is the functional difference between her and a Republican?
there’s this weird dichotomy on this (part of the) site where anyone to the left of Biden is only liked by white “Bernie Bros”. It’s an easy way to avoid addressing the fact that their woke bae president created nothing resembling a long lasting movement whatsoever
Where’s the Ben Jealous endorsement? Oh, I already know...
... let me introduce you to a lobster biologist/theologian/clinical psychologist with a U of T professorship
“What if r/incels was right?” Saved you some words there.
“wife” with a knowledge of and interest in player workouts and physicals
* Croat. Also now I can’t unsee
Never forget David Clarke who wore more flair than a Latin American dictator while in reality basically being the Milwaukee Airport cop
Not their neighborhood. Those people are future criminals. You see the same mindset in this very forum.
Dropbox is only a stop on the way to his ultimate endpoint, the NAS. (I don’t get why he has to use Dropbox as an intermediate step, but I feel it might be more secure than just trying to run your own sftp server)
the think tank he references, Manhattan Institute, has had Charles Murray of the Bell Curve as an expert for years. The Bell Curve is basically “now I’m not SAYING black people are inherently stupid, but...”
“fire-rescue” says it all. Note that that case is in New York. What do you think Florida is like?
Venezuela is an example of “don’t throw all your money away during the oil boom”. Be Norway, Not (Alberta/Saudi Arabia/North Dakota/etc.)
“virtue signaling”
I wouldn’t really group the two. Electric cars have been around for a long time and are actually consumer ready. Only identity politics/culture war and edge commutes (the few people who commute long distances) are blocking their adoption in NA.
Georgia? Man, I’d hate to be a member of the buisness establishment in Atlanta right now. Your Lt. Gov/Gov should never have tried to compromise with the Trumpers. It’s a lesson that no one really ever learns (c.f. the NFL)