Because “states rights” only ever meant one thing in the history of the United States.
Because “states rights” only ever meant one thing in the history of the United States.
When they made all those “BLOW IT UP” trades they were coming off of being down by 30 at half to the Orlando Magic
Here’s another problem. No thought is ever given to the people who seem to be creating all these lone wolves (looks down at Ben Shapiro)
She is, there’s a Jez article about her somewhere. Sober now though.
we should start calling the cops on people who walk around with their dogs unleashed.
You forgot the sweet, sweet expansion fees. It’s why up here in Canada the CFL - which is declining hard outside of Praries Canada - is trying to expand to places that can’t afford it or don’t really want it. Local monorail men are glad to play along to get a cut of the public cash as well.
upvoted just because Toronto wouldn’t be facing two teams with a 500 MM payroll anymore
I have some, uh, good news for you, then
Excellent article and highly relevant to the discussion.
there’s also the greek guy they drafted at 13 and waived this year at the trade deadline
Dave Gettleman: *makes typing motion*
read the other Deadspin story about the “entertainer” he hired for a “family barbecue”, and realize that, however dumb you think he is, he is, in fact, dumber
are you dismissing AJ McCarron who connects to certain parts of the Bills fanbase via his chest tattoo and racist family blue collar, working class roots?
They used to “politely” call women like this “video vixens”.
A real “low IQ individual” right here.
it’s in everything now - including uppers. stay safe all
One of the very small number of Very Online ex-Obama staffers. Check out Arne Duncan’s comments about “civility” online. They haven’t learned shit
He’s far closer to Elizabeth Holmes than he is either of those two.
I don’t think I’d want any of these Musk fanboys in most of the safety critical places I worked at. “What do you mean we have to shut down all the hangars for the day to look for a damn screwdriver? What’s the worst that could happen. This is the nanny state gone wild!”