
Why doesn't whoever is building this darn thing just put in an automatic "change root password now" option, so as soon as you're installed it REQUIRES you to change your password....I would think that would make alot more sense, and if you fail to after that, then it's totally on you for failing to do it! #iphone

Great Idea on the calendar sharing with co-workers, I like it., I just have a calendar setup for myself in Google, and one in my Outlook for my co-workers.... #tips

@VictorAerosmith: I tried swapping my watch to my other hand (due to elbow problems related to wearing watches...long story) somehow midday the watch is back on the bad wrist....I can't get the darn thing to stay on the other wrist, thus the reason I can't wear watches anymore. #cleveruses

@MDCore: I just never take them out of my pockets, and when I change pants, just transfer all items in one shot, I have only forgotten my keys one time in the last year, and that was because I was planning on driving a different vehicle the next day and stuck them on the hook without grabbing the other keys.... #cleve

@weendex: I suspect you would have torn the house up in the process of finding them, only to have moved the RMA'd HDD off them, and forget it anyways....or at least that's what I'd probably do. #cleveruses

I'll be honest with you I completely forget I'm watching DVR sometimes and just forget I can, many time's I remember about 30 seconds before the last commercial is over... #tv

@MeOhMy: Your assesment makes sense, and I agree that cost effectiveness on their part is the likely reason, but then it doesn't really make sense that positions like that really require degree's, if all the individual is doing is a very simple generic troubleshooting that can be taught in about 30 minutes on the

I love it, they are even in Minneapolis, I'm sold. Took me a bit of reading to realize they were an advertising firm...odd that that was the case, also the mono link doesn't quite work, LOL #workspaces

@onaclov2000: OK, ive gotten 2 emails requesting google wave invites, I have google voice, I am looking for a wave invite just to make it clearer. #voicemail

@ffolliet: I guess what I'm wondering is if it's a monetary thing why they haven't brought some of the particular web services things to other countries, or if it's regulations. I'm guessing that it's more the regulations then the money, as I would assume there is money to be made in other countries, but more likely

if someone wants a GV invite, I might be interested in a trade for a wave invite... onaclov 2000 at google's email server. #voicemail

I think my concern is that I have watched a few movies from them (quite nice) but it's got issues that you dont typically see on cable, such as unsynced audio/video, and the intermittnent pauses, That drives me crazy, I can handle it when it is free, but paying to have something that doesn't run at the speed it needs

Didn't someone do this with fast food one time? or was I mistaken, yea that's why photographers for these kinds of things make pretty good money, they make the product look good. Doesn't matter what the product REALLY looks like, which in my opinion I don't think it's all that fair, I mean if I go to the BK lounge and

I usually put a "if found" named txt file in my media, hadn't thought about the Ipod though....I usually don't leave it out of my sight!!! #cellphones

I am supprised at how few people realize this can be done, I work with people all the time that will literally cd to the folder one folder at a time....drives me crazy....I even try to get them to setup the "go to command prompt here thing" that I talked about in my blog, but they get stuck in their ways.....weirdest

I didn't vote, but I as well go strictly Google, I rarely like to even search from the iGoogle page even...I'll be on the igoogle page and actually type in just google.com's url...it's the weirdest thing....Can't force myself not to...I think they own my brain.

@mattb47: If you use perl, you can do some "similar" stuff...I'm sure with minor modification you can make it work for x64 bit builds but you may have to search the net for any "differences"

I actually posted a perl workaround that does this for just the filename....I have used it alot, but it can be applied the same way to the entire path.