
I think the whole concept is a great idea, but I suspect it'll end up being one more time sink in my already time sunk life.

I have to say that if you create an event on Google Calendar you should be able to custom schedule it on a day by day basis (for a week at a time for example) this would make putting together a schedule of your classes easier, because you would just put your class name in then enter in all the details regarding times,

Can this be done the other way around? I have Wifi at school but they're now requiring downloading some antivirus junk, but I can connect just fine with my Ipod, if I can tether to my laptop I'll be fine....and not have to download someone else's fear

Now only if we can compile we can write code and have it compiled by google....or is that what their app section stuff does...too much google not enough time.

@CarlIguana I have made rootbeer, and I don't think a cup of sugar, a bit of yeast and some water and a little flavoring is more expensive then a case of rootbeer, or even a bottle, I can/have made probably a couple gallons for no more then a couple bucks, that's way more then the soda in cans, and as far as two

I have to admit I really like the default kde interface, quite nice, although I'm sure there are more ways to tweak and make it look better, I think one of the big things I found I had problems with installing Kubuntu, was getting the sound working right, and finding the right video player, and ripping dvd's was

My problem with "RSS being dead" is that they're claiming that you should be using twitter if I read that right, I don't know about many other places but at my work location I might occasionally like to read an RSS feed, and can't access twitter, if RSS went away and we went only to twitter, I would be without, until

Kinda creepy and nice at the same time. Creepy cause it keeps an eye on what you're doing and can suggest what you're going to do, and nice cause it does that.

I believe that the dryer sheet for bugs method works, but I just fixed the whole thing by moving to ABQ, a little unknown fact about Albuquerque, for the most part (except maybe by the river) there are little or no bugs, we had NY visitors and they were AMAZED...LOL

@junonino: I know what you mean, I have issues with sleeping but unfortunately it varies, one month I can't sleep more then 5-6 hours a night and usually even that's poor sleep, but then other months, I can't force myself out of bed at a reasonable time for the life of me.

One more thing, sorry, I REALLY LIKE the drag drop stuff, I want to integrate something that will be able to do that in the site I'm working on. Any recommendations or is this something simple to do in ROR?

Thank you, I am glad you posted this, I'm hoping it will give me renewed vigor, I was hoping to have my site done by the fall (for school) but I missed that, Attempting Full time work, and one credit shy of full time school, makes projects quite difficult to finish as well unless you are dedicated....I'm working on

I actually used regular expressions to create a right click menu item on my computer to search any particular selected text/log file for the term error (I do alot of program builds with log files, and it makes it easier to select a file and print out the errors), I'm sure there are better ways, but that's how I use

Does anyone know how to add items to a google calendar from an external site (not a google site that is), I have tried to find tutorials, but get confused as heck!

Not a fan of gallery, I only read on one page view...

I will say if you know someone that has an amazon associates account, and you're gonna buy from amazon anyways, let them know you'll buy through them, doesn't hurt helping fellow college students out...who knows, if you start an account, maybe they'll buy their books through you.

Wow, I didn't even notice the ads until lifehacker pointed them out, I'm so focused on reading the email that I never even noticed them, and I agree with some as long as they're not flashing then I have no problem with them as long as they don't cause me to not be able to read my emails!

I am not a huge fan of vehicle coverage but wouldn't budge on health though, but it just drives me crazy that you pay well over what the car costs to purchase just to drive it, sorry not a fan of insurance, but I DON'T self insure...

@siwasher: That sounds interesting...I like it, not sure I suppose then you'd be stuck with a at least thin liquid on your roof at all times, not sure the weight, or time required to cool liquid if it's quicker then said shingles or not....hmmmm Prototype here we come (I wish I had that kinda motivation anyways, I can

I'm down for a single folder with all files contained and just labeled, or at least the ability to label files, so you can search or sort based on labels. Read more on my Blog