
Anyone ever seen those bowls that change color with heat? Why not make "color changing" shingles, so when the temp rises above temp X the shingles would change to white, as the temp goes down, they return to black......There has to be some kind of technology out there that would do that...

@F3N4TiK: Me too, I actually thought that Google really did pull Apple from their search results, I wouldn't blame them, but am glad they don't stoop to Apples level.

@Thespamhere: I will say that one thing that's a big help is if you have another working computer with similar configuration, we had a tool that wasn't able to open and that tool was the license administrator, it appeared to be missing a DLL, the IT group came over tried re-installing the program that used that

@atomicrabbit: I know this is gonna sound bad, but if I see someone looking in their mirror, planning to move lanes, and NOT use a turn signal, I will speed up a bit, the second I see a turn signal, I let people in, I call it courtesy (I know alot of people are jerks and WONT let you in), But I personally won't

@Billy_McSkintos:I agree 100% on the first 3 but don't really drink much wine so I don't know on #4, NM is rough for the Turnsignalless drivers.

Vote: Fring ...I mean come on I have an Ipod, and it seems to work well...

Maybe allowing the particular person to set "show all comments" to default would be nicer, I so far don't really like just reading the 3 star comments on some, where there are a bunch of good quality comments having already be posted, and sometimes they seem out of sorts but when you turn all the comments on it makes

I would have to say Label based File handling system, Much like Gmail's message handling system, I go into better detail on what I think it should be/do on my blog.

I have actually posted a blog entry a while back about this as well...

I have to say my server wouldn't work as nicely if it was a laptop....I can't fit 6 hard drives in there....lol

Note, I take the lid off when I fill it, I just made the nozzle slightly bigger for when i squeeze it out!!!

I will say I use a "squeeze bottle" like the "old" ketchup ones at restaurants, (The one with the kinda pointy end? usually red) The one I have is clear, I just cut the tip down a bit, and then I use a funnel to stick the batter inside, I LOVE IT, it's not that its "perfection" but I tend to spill/drip alot when I am

I have a friend whose wife has used twitter at one point to find work as a freelancer.

I personally see it as Corporate Greed in alot of cases, why is it that Presidents of companies are getting multiple million dollar "bonuses" or whatever, and paychecks, but they have to lay off people, its' all about the bottom line, how much money can we milk from everyone and still get paid. They'll still charge


What's theft is charging twice the cost of tickets (recently) and charging you on top of that for bringing a second bag that we used to be entitled to, plus isn't it a monopoly on internet, the people at the airport have 20 different airlines to use but only one internet, interesting, I just hate paying for internet,

You can use any universal remote to control the XBOX 360, the code can be found on the net, if not just do the code search (how I did it) until you find it, it takes a while but you get it eventually.