I found this incredibly touching. Thank you.
I found this incredibly touching. Thank you.
You're getting some push back. Btw I'm a recovering addict from cocaine, alcohol, meth and prescription drugs. I don't care what anyone says, no one should touch any of that stuff, especially if you have an addictive personality and/or mental health issues, which I do.
Thank you. I'm bipolar and a recovery addict and alcohol. I hate when these issues are glamarized. Without proper treatment these diseases are chronic and can be deadly. All the creativity that I had before, I still have even though I no longer am ab addict and my bipolar is being treated
Man that's rough. I'm really sorry.
That is dumb. And the epitome of a situation where it’s like if you’re not a misogynist then no need to get pissed off. Like doth protest to much or whatever that phrase is. Sorry it's early and my coffee hasn't kicked in.
Why were they angry?
Take this knowledge and go forth my friend.
Oooo I know the fix for this! If you want to star click on the number, not the star. If it hasn't been starred yet, click on the left where the number would be. Godspeed!
I guess no age is too young to make girls feel bad about themselves. :(
That's so awful. Ugh. I'm sorry.
Cowardly and shitty
Omg I'm sorry. What the fuck? And you never found out why?
Ghosting is the worst. Not hating on you but it's been done to me and I obsessed as to what happened. I would've rather have him say yep just not into you.
Ghosting is the worst. I think it's mostly a guy thing? Or maybe I think this because I'm a girl that dates guys. It causes me to go into obsessive overdrive. I would much prefer the dude saying you're ugly and you suck.
It's uncool though for a teacher take kids anywhere without parent permission. I wouldn't want some other teacher who was a second amendment advocate take my kids to the gun store.