
It breaks my heart still that this show was cancelled.  It was SO funny.  They didn’t give it enough marketing.

Or alternatively, taking an opportunity on a non-scripted show to publicise the strike. I’d say that was being a good ally to the union, and standing by the work he and others did on a scripted show pre-strike. You can say that’s having it both ways, but you can also say that’s being a thoughtful grown up.

My biggest issue with this show is that they worked so hard to force in every single hot-button social issue ever to exist, whether they fit organically into the show or not. SATC was always a gay-positive show, even if some of the dialogue in certain episodes was awkward, so sure, continue to have gay and lesbian

OMG, I totally forget about the atrocious handling of Stanford! That was disgusting, honestly. Stanford was a bit of a snob sometimes, but otherwise, he was a delight, so it made no sense for them to choose to handle Garson’s death this way. They could have said he had to go take care fo a sick relative or just that

Steve was ALWAYS too good fro Miranda. Hell, being honest, I think most of the love interests were too good for the main characters. The only exceptions being anyone who was with Samantha because she was always honest about what she wanted and if they couldn’t handle it (Smith) that was their fault and Trey; he was

We also need to talk about Stanford.

Yeah.  The movies are so much worse than the show (especially #2) that they might as well be in a different continuity (just like the new show!)

What a bad choice to feature a non-binary character on the reboot of a popular TV show, but then have them be terrible and obnoxious. I also found it kind of silly that they made Nixon’s character come out just because the actress had. But that’s old news to argue about, I guess.

That is an Absolutely fair comment. But Carrie from the first season still would have found a way to have a good time with a good looking guy, even if he was a neurotic, insecure mess. As long as he could last longer than five seconds (apologies to Justin Theroux’s character), she would have banged him and moved on,

Yeah... he plays a fireman on Chicago Fire

Agreed. The first couple of seasons (25 years ago), Carrie and Co. were all interested in sex and were very sex positive. But by the fifth season, Carrie couldn’t even get off with handsome Berger because she was so far up her own *ss. This show is merely the continuation of that proctólogical journey.  Not fun. 

The only thing that aged well about Sex and the City was the early sex-positive attitude of the women in the first seasons, which I remember the papers at the time saw as being very progressive. But as time went on, SJP’s real-life aversion to sexy stuff bled into the show, and Carrie became a lot more conservative

I wondered about that too. But it does kind of make sense - this way, if the replicas fail, or the link is severed or something, the humans can keep going with the mission. Whereas the other way round, the mission would be screwed. You can also imagine that maybe when they get to the dark side of the moon (or

A few years or so after The National Anthem , it turned out there were alleged old photos of the UK’s current PM with his penis near a dead pigs mouth as a student during Eton hazing sort of event, which led to what’s known as piggate and was the first indication that no matter how outrageous Black Mirror could be ,

Generally a reasonable list but a few changes I’d make:

Was kind of surprised to not see 15 million merits on the list, but I guess I could see it falling just outside the top 10. Dude basically dedicates his life to helping his friend get a singing audition, just to see her turned into a porn star and him sent back to square 1.

I would add “15 Million Credits,” S1 E2, to this list. The way that rebellion is so quickly and totally coopted by the system is as bleak as 1984.

“Shut Up and Dance” I think is the worst because of the way it plays with your expectations. For most of the run time you are feeling bad for this poor kid who, you think, just got recorded beating off to some porn. I know there are hints that there is more to it but so much is going on you may miss it.  In the end

Obviously “enjoyed” is not the word to describe the experience of watching The Entire History of You, but I appreciated how smart the episode was with the ambiguous consequences of the husband being more concerned about being right than happy. It’s natural to want to know if your wife if cheating, but be careful how
