
Likely a product of Merican culture, which not only teaches that everyone who isn’t a winner is a loser, but also has a serious problem with bully-worshipping.

I concur. Both are hate fuckable.

The second he dies, the knives will come out and they will all pivot to sign mega million book deals to dish on what an unbelievable garbage human he actually was. Even Baron will be like, “You’re not gonna believe this shit.” Their togetherness is a total ruse. We may, dare I say it, learn of some incest...

If I had a gaming stream that brought me more revenue than what my current job would bring in, then streaming would be my job. I won’t knock their hustle.

I hope this prick loses in court and ends up selling his house to pay for his lawyers and twitch’s.

Well, damn. I was hoping the title would read “Ajit Pai - found dead under a bridge”.

I have been obsessed with this show for weeks. I refresh the VRV app repeatedly on Saturday afternoons until a new episode pops up. I’ve recommended it to probably a dozen friends by saying “It’s basically Pacific Rim, but the mech suits are a metaphor for trusting sexual partnerships. Hiro is the perfect sub for 02's

Someone getting your social security number can’t “destroy your life”. Geez what a bunch of snowflake pussies Trumpiots are.

Lol! And people question why Trump would rather have more Norwegians.

It’s almost like the rest of the world thinks America is full of stupid, racist, poorly educated buffoons.

Why waste resources to ship them into space, when it’s significantly cheaper to tie some weights around their ankles and dump them in the pacific?

I love all the self conscious nerds projecting their high school insecurities into the comment section.

What do you expect from someone from one of those shit hole countries.

I for one welcome our new anime girl overlords.

I was sexually assaulted in college, so I pushed the person off me and left. It was quite easy, actually.

I don’t expect the gov’t to pay for my medical expenses

Accio Firebolt!

Frontier needs to implement a native VR mode for this game.

I think it would be cool to have a film showing the bots, after the fall of man, as they are beginning to start work on the Matrix and the various incarnations they made. Maybe focus on a small ‘test group’ of humans, and their experiences being loaded into a virtual world with the knowledge that it’s not real. It