
I thought it was reported that Indie games on Steam were enjoying impressive sales numbers. My guess is people are willing to fork over extra cash for the convenience of playing it in their living room or on the go.

This was a fun list. I forgot how funny that bullet scene from Date Night is. His reaction to her cutting too wide still gets me. Also I’m glad you saved me the trouble of ever having to watch The 15:17 to Paris. I have no interest in seeing the rest of the movie but yes that scene was expertly blocked and filmed. I

Pan shot!

I love The Deuce and the visuals in the intro are great but that song is so painfully abrasive. It’s also typically way louder than the show itself. Every time it starts I’m diving for the volume button followed by the fast forward button.

“The merest scrape of my fingernail against that textured plastic makes me remember what it was like to have abs.”

Ha, I had never heard the original until just now and you’re right, Larson’s version is absolutely the better version. I wonder if that’s really her voice?

Not really if you pay attention to the ending. Doesn’t he basically realize he’s been a dipshit and kill his darker half? Yeah he’s a dipshit throughout the movie but that’s part of the point. I’m not saying the movie isn’t flawed but I think you’re reaching by calling it a power trip for alt right incels. Though to

Yeah. I only realized by accident after I stepped away after buying a train ticket and came back to find my guy sitting on a moving train halfway around the map.

Yup exactly. I enjoy the hunting in and of itself. But the whole process of gathering pelts and trading them in for gear is a slog that would benefit from some QOL improvements. Fortunately the unlocks are mostly pointless so I can just focus on the legendaries which are much more fun, rewarding, and straight forward.

You make good points but that sort of dialogue isn’t great storytelling. It would be better communicated through visuals and gameplay. Have some early missions along those lines and then have it spiral into more sinister stuff. That would be a journey the player could feel. 

You can stay on the train after the cutscene. So ride from St. Denis to Annesburg, then you’re free to rob or whatever. 

Yeah, it also hurts that fences are so far and few between. Why would I bother delivering this stage coach to a wagon fence for $20? The rewards for hunting are similarly paltry. Speaking of hunting, the requirements to craft certain gear is kind of ridiculous. As is the hunting itself: find the prey, find the

Yeah. I robbed quite a few stores for one of the bandit challenges and every time the law was alerted the second the cashier opened a register. Fortunately if you wear your face mask and sneak away before getting spotted you won’t be hit with a bounty (pro tip, rob shops with back doors). But it’s still annoying that

It’s not that baffling when you compare exclusives. Not to mention XB1's troublesome reveal and its problematic UI. 

but I’m betting it’s entirely watchable, if totally forgettable.

DLC is typical DLC.

There’s a house south of Emerald Ranch (IIRC) with a creepy couple who may or may not be brother and sister. They try to get Arthur to drink with them and then...well I won’t spoil where it goes.

I had the same thing happen :( In retrospect it seems obvious since their suicide note says something about ascending to the stars or something

City should impound all the cars and fine him for running an unlicensed rental business. In the meantime the city should draft legislation to prevent this sort of thing from happening again. It’s a real nuisance to residents in cities where parking is extremely limited.

If you ever remove Bloodborne we riot.