
BS, it was almost flawless. I just wish I was able to experience the whole thing anew once again…

Yeah, right - it only happened on his profile, right then :D
Anyway, this guy is a fool, his comments are accessible again so everyone can see for themselves and I've had enough fun with trolls for one night.
Peace out ^^

Not so sure about Adventureland, but to those you lined up, I'd add Speak, Welcome to the Riley's, The Messengers (yeah it was a disappointing movie - the twins have done so much better, but her performance is great) and the freaking Panic Room ^^

No no, that's not it. I just looked through the other comments in your profile - you know, BEFORE you disabled access to those lol - and I can allow myself to make a viable judgement. Now find yourself another bridge to troll under ^_^

Listen mate, you might just as well come clean about it - you are a troll and you are a Trump supporter.
I just hope you don't have children… brrr :S

I loved Clouds enough to watch it a couple of times and to check back on Assayas' filmography, which turned out to have quite a few gems in it.
Hence what I want to see most is "Personal Shopper", just not sure when I'll get the chance…
Meanwhile if you enjoy Reichardt's work, "Certain Women" is up there with the good

That guy is a Trump supporter - does it really matter what he thinks of Kristen Stewart? :D

The thing is though - one is always a person first and an actor second, so it isn't about her being an amazing actor, but rather about her being amazing - fullstop ;) There are great performers out there I couldn't care less to see on screen, so they only end up being relevant in truly outstanding material. Meanwhile

Kristen Stewart is one of the best actresses to grace 21st century cinema and all who love film can attest to that. Everyone else should just go back to their reality shows and gossip mags.

Diederik Van Rooijen is Dutch… Like can't you guess by the name lol