Omnipotent Amoeba

Absolutely delighted Sonicfox won. This is the award I had the most hope for (even though Evo got the second biggest pop out of the crowd behind Overwatch League for E-Sports Event), and I’m so thrilled such a dope guy actually got it. This is a win for the FGC in a big way, I think, because I don’t feel we get the

There were so many things about this show that just felt good to watch. SonicFox’s reaction was great, and I really enjoyed the God of War team’s reaction to their wins too - they seemed genuinely shocked to win the award over RDR 2. Plus the music performances were a lot of fun! I know there will be the usual

This elusive target was available for two weeks. You can’t spare an hour or two within a two week period? Do you have time to play games at all?

Opting out of reviews and not having forums is a huge fuck you to consumers. I know they can be toxic but they are also how numerous developers have been pressured to actually fix their games. Taking away consumer voices is not good thing,  just because someone somewhere at some point maybe had their feelings hurt.

Excellent work as always Jason.  I tend to follow gaming sites more than I do specific writers but you are someone I always look forward to reading.

The moment you realize that Pokemon have better healthcare than most people in America and its free.

Pokémon is definitely not a concept that benefits from thinking too hard about it. It’s basically capturing animals and forcing them to beat the shit out of each other.

Oh, I should be clear - I only meant that I didn’t play Blood Money a single time through. I played it multiple times through, and challenged myself to get Silent Assassin on every level. It was the exception to my “play it once and move on” style, was my point. I’ll make that clearer.

DIDN’T PLAY BLOOD MONEY? Sir, you’ve missed out on the best Hitman game prior to next-gen transition. I too, played and completed the original games. But Hitman Blood Money was definitely the cream of the crop.

I dunno if I’d agree with that, it really depends on your definition of “the good stuff”. If you’re talking about completing the star map and doing all the quests (the latter of which I would consider to be the best of Warframe’s content), there’s no need to make Warframe your life; sure, it might take a lot of time to

I’ve been wanting to get back and kind of do a fresh start on this since all the major updates the last couple years, especially Eidolon but everything I’ve gathered is you have to pretty much play only this to get caught up on things and even then if you aren’t in a good guild with helpful people you can’t really do

Well it’s bugframe so don’t get too exci--- fucking hoverboards and it’s Tony Hawk 2 levels of goodness!

Thanks! It’s certainly ironic that angry Redditors have been dragging me all weekend for being a Blizzard shill because I criticized the petulant red-shirt guy on Twitter while at the same time I was digging into this story that Blizzard certainly didn’t want to come out.

I look forward to any article you write. The insights you provide into the BTS workings of the video game industry are so important. I, and so many others, have little idea how these games are created or promoted when being created. You’re careful, but dedicated to tell the story and clearly have amazing connections

I don’t share other people’s concerns about microtranscations, because those don’t bother me anyway, but I regard mobile games in general to be vaporware.

Saw a video on reddit: guy in the audience asks “Is this an out-of-season April Fool’s joke?”. Blizzard got booed? 

seeing Chorus Kids should’ve been a surefire sign from the beginning that it was fake.

Yup Smash fanbase rivals CoD in toxicity

I like Smash ok, but I really fucking hate the fanbase. This game has literally every Smash character ever, plus a decent amount of new ones, and they’re still constantly disappointed by every single announcement.

This is all really good advice and rings so, so true to me (father of 3, demanding job, etc). Stuff that especially rings true for me: