I think my favorite change is that they’ve added new armor to the older characters that partially or entirely shows their faces. I never liked how every character had some kind of helmet or mask. They feel less generic now.
I think my favorite change is that they’ve added new armor to the older characters that partially or entirely shows their faces. I never liked how every character had some kind of helmet or mask. They feel less generic now.
Yup! Kill it dead. Leave us with one platform, every Nintendo team working on the same machine, everyone able to play every game the company releases anywhere at any time. It’d be amazing.
Yeah after 230 hours I definitely got my $60 worth, especially with all updates being free. The inevitable expansion will be here soon, and we’ll all come running back.
Exactly what I was thinking. It’s unrealistic to expect the adventure and mystery to continue indefinitely. Especially when the upgrades have all been free patches. I’ve personally moved on from the game. But that’s OK! It gave me several hundred hours of entertainment. Drastically more than I get out of most…
I dunno, at some point I do think it’s OK to say “this game gave me hundreds of hours of content, and a lot of free post-release DLC, maybe it’s OK that it’s winding down.” They’re almost assuredly working towards a G-rank release of some kind, maybe they’re content with letting the game kind of wind down then have…
Sounds like a lot of money was stolen from their business. Money used to pay employees, make products. It’s not like these guys didn’t earn it and aren’t putting it to good use. I find your reaction baffling.
As an also old guy, the idea of spending as much on a controller as I did on my damn console causes my bursitis to flare up. Welp, time to go yell at a cloud!
Compared to what? Sure, compared to the PS4 and Xbox One, but those consoles are three years older than it. For the first year and a half, it’s got an incredible library.
If you’re only looking first-party and have very limited interests, sure. But I have more games on my Switch than I can possibly play.
Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.
Sounds like a lot of the issue here is they think on some level this is just a job, such as the whole “maternity leave” comment. Even if there was mandated maternity leave in the US like in the UK they still wouldn’t be entitled to it like they seem to think.
It seems he went up the direct access carpool ramp that enters the freeway from the middle. The onramp and offramp are side by side. This picture from Google Street View (https://www.google.com/maps/@32.8883269,-117.2039834,3a,75y,154.44h,80.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sR-G4RZDvPsETSZ8E7fMfew!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) shows the…
It has minor performance issues, it’s not unfinished. I’d much rather be able to play it now with a few minor warts than have to wait three months to play a flawless version.
Is it more important that a game be at a constant 60 FPS on a handheld system than for it to be enjoyable?
I mean, it’s some frame drops on a Switch port from a small indie team. I understand the sentiment of not agreeing with their decision, but for me it stops well short of any sort of problematic business practice.
The alternative was pushing it back to November at the earliest, but they assumed that a lot of players…
If the frame rate dips I would almost rather be given the option to just set it at 30FPS if it would never go below that. Fluctuating between 30 and 60 is more annoying than a rock solid 30. It seems like a toggle to lock it to 30 would be an easy fix until the big 60fps patch but maybe releasing little updates on…
That’s why it’s on the Switch ....
so like XCOM 2
The Civilization “One-more-turn” addiction.
Hard to say if a tight, well crafted game loop is something a game “suffers” from.