
“Why didn’t you post sooner??”

PS. Is it me or does Ryan Reynolds look a little bit like, “Well, this is NOT what I imagined for my life, but here we are anyway.”

How insufferable must it be to have to sit through this shit the WHOLE time? You know that it was one ‘oh, we can sit like this! Take a picture’ or ‘oh, do THIS now! for instagram!’. I get that it’s a brand and that as actors and what not this is kind of the norm, but wouldn’t you hope that if you were hanging with

Here for it.

Actually, the one cool outcome of all this would be if Taylor was doing a performance art piece about heteronormativity and ended it by marrying Karlie.

It’s weird, because usually she’s so subtle.

I’m at my new job!

I had people give me ideas on how to kill myself for an entire year. I survived but fuck all those jerks. I’m sorry you also went through something similar.

Nah, she was on a big power trip, controlling him. She BADGERED him for months to kill himself, including demanding he get back in the car where carbon monoxide fumes were overwhelming him. (After he got out and texted her, saying he didn’t want to die. She also posted things on Facebook saying how sad she was that he

Thanks for contributing to the awful stigma against people with BPD. If you encounter someone who has BPD, run? Not cool.

I remember in elementary school my bff and I had a huge falling out (soooo dramatic) and she told me to shave my body cause boys hated it. I’m not hirsute I’m just Italian (tomato, tomahto?). Even at that age I was like “wut.” It’s odd how that’s the first line of attack - your looks. Sure it’s easy but it’s not all

Yeah. There are so many things that confuse me about that. One being that the woman is capable of growing hair, she chooses to keep it short. The insult suggest she’s unable to grow hair?

It’s a solid internal rhyme.

A bald woman is a huge threat to female sexual norms.

It’s a really, really odd choice. I assume that men do it because they erroneously assume a woman will be as insulted by being called bald as men are.

For real. The bald head is super hot. I don’t get the hate.

Now playing

the way she’s dressed, and the way she moves totally recalls Madonna’s Frozen video.

My boyfriend had insta for a hot minute and witnessed the triple-L phenomenon, but he’s confused it with other stupid three step mantras, and thinks it’s Live, Eat, Laugh

Wait, why don’t we like Chloe Moretz?

I should not bitch. We do have insurance and he makes bank, which is good because my hobby-turned-business sure doesn’t. So it’s just a hit to the budget not a financial ruin situation.