I always thought he was just hiring people he thought looked like him.
I always thought he was just hiring people he thought looked like him.
Whoa, I did not know that! I think this absolutely counts as part of his mentoring, though. Just because the dancers weren’t playing instruments in the band didn’t make them any less an integral part of the show, and can you imagine how much there was you could learn just from being around a consummate showman and…
I knew what was going to occur before I read it, so I stopped pretty quickly.
I’ve been a part of many different “organized religion” and I can tell you that YES ALL ORGANIZED RELIGION. Some just hide it better.
The reason is that she needs to prove to other people that she’s not irrelevant in your life even though you’re grown. It’s kind of sad. Maybe you could redirect her efforts into something less infantilizing by asking for her help or advice in another area?
the scary fucking thing
Daisy is adorable and now this
Who did she kill for that lighting
Nice little saying there. I’ve heard it before. I get what it’s saying.
Stop trolling. What is the payoff for being a moron? Any attention is good attention? Like the psychology of a toddler?
《a low, steady hum of condescension—one that suggests their experience always matters more.》
Not just that it matters more, but they receive more credibility. Same shit happens when white people try to teach other white people about priviledge. I mean, it’s like, thanks for being an ally, but POC have been saying and writing the same shit for a VERY long time. Why weren’t we believed in the first place? Oh,…
every guy’s apartment i’ve been to, there have been no trash cans in the bathrooms. thank you for having tampons and i guess i’ll just put the trash in my bag.
“A lot of young girls and women have to plan their life events around their menstrual cycle and it suuuuucks”
Bingo Bronson only wants what’s best for Abbi and what’s best for you, my friend.
I want to take my social cues from you but you’re a figment of Abbi’s drug addled mind so I’m not sure if I should.
He supposedly received an F for shoddy research.
I have a very strong suspicion that you are Piers Morgan.
I also can't name a single female writer that inspires me. I can't name a male writer who inspires we either. I am a sentient hunk of cheese that someone plugged directly into the Internet. I am inspired by mold and bacteria.
The number of Jalop people who came over to complain just underscores how truly great it was.