I agree. That’s why I won’t click the link to the column.
I agree. That’s why I won’t click the link to the column.
I love this blog, mom!
Well that is beyond sad. Won’t somebody think of “20 minutes of action” man and cut him some slack? I mean, his nonpology specifically stated that he blamed alcohol and Stanford’s blending of education with real world decisions for his behavior. How dare they! It’s a damn pity that USA Swimming agreed with Stanford.…
Finally someone has done the right thing.
She is a powerful writer. It is such a tragedy that this is how the world learns about it.
And never once does he use it correctly, as in "I did a horrible thing. I ruined an innocent woman's life. I am a total garbage person who has no valid place in society."
I was listening to Diane Rehm this morning, David Gregory was filling in for her while she was out of town. They were talking about this and, while all the guests agreed this fucker got off easy, there was one guy who kept repeating things like “campus sex bureaucrats” and “extremists” and bringing up what-abouts like…
He’s sick and absolutely will re-offend. He’s exactly the kind of person prisons were built for.
2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because…
Awkward is my middle name.
This entire thread is giving me (exhilarated) cold chills! Hillary Clinton shattered the penultimate glass ceiling in this country last night. I cannot wait to watch her soar.
I fucking love that HRC basically said Trump is too emotional to be president.
Exactly. She earned my vote for other reasons, but I am totally, crazy stoked that a woman is the nominee!! This is historic - a huge moment - and nobody is going to make me feel bad about being excited!
I keep thinking, if you don’t understand why this is important, you’ve never been one of two women in your PhD class of 15. Or one of three women in your cohort at work. Or though, maybe I’d want to do this in my career, and then remembered that 90% of people in that position are men. I cried the whole train ride home…
I made a comment about her releasing the Kraken on Trump. The Kraken being ELizabeth Warren.
Don’t forget, we only got the vote in 1919.
I'm proud of my party today.
I’m waiting for someone else to say Yay, Hillary! so that they can shoulder the brunt of the anger and conspiracy theories.
In less than a month it will have been 240 years since America declared its independence and this country began. In those 240 years there has not been a single woman as a presidential nominee of a major party. ABOUT GODDAMN TIME.