
The mental illness of being a teen.

No one knows what it means, but it's provocative!

Gaze upon it's magnifigance. Bask in it's glorious.. uhm. GLORY! I present you, V-07-TR-ON!

None of these cards are OP though. People just love to shout that they are without having actually tested the cards. Given how rarely Blizzard nerds HS cards (I can think of...6 in the past 6 months?), your comment is daft.

And as per usual, Kotaku vastly over-estimates the strength of incoming Hearthstone cards. There's a small amount of power creep with GvG it's true - but few of these cards are going to factor into it. A number of these cards are really only good if your opponent has an empty board, but I like this kind of thing, so

None of these cards are overpowered. Are they strong? Absolutely. But overpowered they are not... they simply require different strategies and tactics to deal with than players are currently used to.

What are you doing leaving 4 mechs on the board at the end of your turn?

Flame Leviathan sucks, imo worst class legendary in game now. Why anyone should randomly damage own minions just to have War Golem in hand? It make no sense. Take Barongeddon if you want 2 damage to all minions.

My friend, it is clear you have not seen this movie and are basing all your assumptions on the hyperbole of disappointed fans. So let's see if I can help you out a bit.

"Sí mamá, ya tenemos un patrocinador, significa que somos famoso ya!"
"Una compañia de peliculas, que sé yo. No importa, no lo investigan!"

"Yes mom, we got sponsored, that means we're big-time now."

QuickTime Awakens

7. Double-check your coordinates! A one digit mistake can put you at the bottom of the Marinaras Trench instead of in your cousin's apartment.

just like real life. If i'm in a fantasy world, i should have the most glorious spectacular buttocks imaginable. Just like this guy...

The slang word shouldn't be used in games. You show that you've not learned anything by others mistakes by even trying to defend his words by saying "it's just slang ya'll!"

It's also really creepy that a video chat wasn't good enough for him. Like... is he really trying to roofie the Jezebel staff?

Sad Elephant :(