

The smugness and righteousness of this article is disgusting, way to take a valid issue and turn it into a soapbox by not providing hard facts and numbers.

A basic human right? Wow. You guys can take something as simple as bottle water and turn it into some bull-shit bleeding-heart liberal human rights cause. Giz has gone so far downhill recently it's appalling.

oh the humanity. get a grip.

She was asking for it. Seriously.

It’s about time somebody got to second base in that stadium....

This is news? A dude grabs a chick's boob and it makes deadspin? I had a dollar for every time my wife slapped my hands off her books I'd be a rich man

If she doesn't want to be groped why does she have those big tits?

Is your keyboard broken?

I don’t agree but this is still funny. Carry on.

I wonder how long he pondered blowing people up.


appropo - Kanye West looks like a level 1 RPG character

the point in the article was about that you have women ‘leering’ at men in a restaurant. It’s not like those women would enjoy staring at men’s groins in speedos during dinner.

But again, I have to ask: If you thought the women were earning a decent living, why did you feel compelled to tip at such a high rate?

When pressed for comment, the mayor retreated to her bridge where she belched fireballs and threw hammers at anyone who tried to save the princess.

I see “the new black” as trying to move on from racism by not holding onto it. I think that comes easier to people who don’t have to personally deal with racism, ie rich people. I equate it to a wealthy white person not knowing what its like to be a poor white person on welfare. The rich don’t owe anything to the rest