
“Normal but warm” is racist. Obv code for white

IS RACISM ONLY measured by the use of anti-african-american words ?

I have to say this map really tells me nothing, at least not without years more study (common with most statistics).

The coloring on this graph is really bad. Orange and yellow are both within .5 SD from the mean, meaning they’re both about average.

Is that normalized for population density?

This is going to surprise a hell of a lot of Gawker’s special snowflake brigade.

With a few notable exception, ie. SOCAL, this looks like a population density map to me.

It remains an inelegant phrase. Died by suicide means “died by killing themselves,” it’s like saying died by fatality.

Chopping off her hair. What kind of fucking medieval punishment is this?

Yep, did not watch out of respect. Grisly and disgusting.

I recommend taking it down, pronto.

Why the fuck would you provide the link to the video? Ugh.

“I’m probably like 160 pounds right now and I can catch a dick whenever I want, like, that’s the truth. It’s not a problem!”

Please, give me stories on technology. If I want a political story, I’ll go to NY TIMES, LA TIMES, POLITICO, DRUDGE or HUFFPO.

I could care less what consenting adults do in their home or in public spaces that are designed for this kind of play. But I would rather not be part of someone’s fetish without consent. Part of walking her on the leash in public is about getting a charge from people’s reactions.

Yeah, no. You don’t make me part of your sub/dom sexual play without my consent. There are fairs and clubs for that.

I think yelling is a bit much. Next thing you know we’ll be calling them as histerical as our old pal, Hil. They were weirdly calm for the amount of disagreement and speaking over each other. I don’t know how much training that takes, but I couldn’t do it. Looks so robotic.

this is a complete invasion of privacy. how would like it if someone put your paycheck stub on reddit or any social media site to criticize?

Giving away?!? You mean “stopping themselves from taking” I assume?

Will there be a bouncer there to make sure the commie-jezzies don’t come in and protest people who have an interest in military affairs?