
I still don’t see the point in buying a $350 gadget that makes you buy *another* gadget to make it useful, especially if the watch itself is ugly. Sorry, folks, this isn’t “gorgeous”, it bulky and blocky like all the others, only marginally better. Even the smaller size is still too big.

Small wonder so many Americans are so disillusioned with a system mired in petty schoolyard tactics.

How is babby formed? How girl get pragnent?

I TOLD the classroom doctor (via anonymous question that was more of a leading question) that this could happen in my sex ed class 20 years ago. He brushed it off as impossible and/or a very silly question. SUCK IT DR. CARLSON!

because few judges have had to assign child support to two men in a case of a mother with twins is it hypocritical? What? The fuck are you on about mate.

A unicorn and a women’s orgasm...Two of the most mythical tales together in the same room.

I not only dumped ice water on my head, I also hashtagged it #alllivesmatter.

I posted that KONY video to my Facebook feed. What more do you want from me?

But I donate to UNICEF every year, and my white guilt tells me that makes everything else I do okay.

I hope the family as the expressed written consent of MLB to replay that video to friends.

Not only did every member of his family capture the moment, they did it in landscape, as God intended.

The liberals as snakes-eating-their-own-tails thing is spot-on, though. We see it all the time here on Jez’s comments sections. One person’s attempts at feminist thought don’t live up to some other person’s, so they get in a meaningless spat that leads to the “do you even want me on your side?” before the person

“Believe me, I have been attacked by militant feminists since I got on Twitter. That’s something I’m used to. Every breed of feminism is attacking every other breed, and every subsection of liberalism is always busy attacking another subsection of liberalism, because god forbid they should all band together and

Wait, so the people who are constantly on their high horse about how they use “logic” and the feminist/SJW/Jew/reptoid conspiracy relies on “emotion” completely jumped the gun based on their pre-existing biases? Crazy.

Oh, you mean the legal difference between accurate reporting and getting the site sued for slander?

IIRC, he was not convicted of anything. Being found liable in a civil suit is different than a criminal conviction. You can still say “proven sexual harrasser” to get the same point across.