
If this article was JUST about R. Kelly, I'd have something to say. If this article was JUST about Billy Cosby, I'd have something to say. The combo platter, however, has my sophomoric joke gland spasming and I can barely type…

I once had the opportunity to visit Paisley, and it smells exactly like you'd think anywhere Prince has been, is, or will ever be.

Uhhhhhhh, what about the paintball episode of Community he was in…?

Oooooooo snap! Word to my mother!

Lets play the calm down game. You go first.

Fuck tha police


A long time ago in a galaxy that's kind of shitty…

Trolls with rotary phones are left out of the fun I guess…

I live right down the street from the big blue Scientology building, and I feel like I need a tin foil helmet when I walk by…

In communist Russia, puppet put hand in you!

This is a conspiracy bigger than the conspiracy behind 9/11! LOOSE CHANGE!!!!!

Sometimes you need a drink but you should never need a gun!

I guess the bigger question is why you are more upset over waiting a week for the finale than you are about the shooting. And what if there is a scene that is so similar it causes undue controversy, causing the show problems?

Wait, so you're basing "Dan Harmon is a terrible person" off of "I read a couple of third hand accounts about how he ran the show that HE CREATED in a way I don't approve of"? And outside of maybe Hitler and Cosby, since when do strangers get to brand other strangers as "terrible people"?!?!

Oh indeedily, how I do enjoy a wee bit of American Soccer…

I'm sure he will come by and steal a couple hamburgers…

I love when people I don't really like, but so many people adore, say stupid stuff like this.


This song made my mouth taste like bud light and then I vomited everywhere.