Yeah, what an asshole he is for playing a character the way Blizz intended him to be played!
Yeah, what an asshole he is for playing a character the way Blizz intended him to be played!
I’m against the harassment, but man, those mods come across like such classic little Napoleons, it’s depressing. Yeesh
I know, right? It’s not like we’ve grown up in a post-union age, never seeing the benefits of unionized labor while being force-fed propaganda about how union dues are theft and we should have the “right to work.”
“Ultimately, employers need employees in order to exist.” Which is a very basic truth that not a lot of people seem to understand. It’d be commendable - if it weren’t so horrible - that the Right has done such an amazing job of eroding workers’ rights while simultaneously convincing them that it’s a good thing.
Keep telling yourself that, bruh. You voted for a shady, unlikable, center-right murderer and that’s exactly what you’re going to get. Think about how “broadly competent” your candidate is next time you see a story about us bombing a wedding party into tiny pieces somewhere in the Middle East.
Ugh, this “enemy of my enemy” bullshit is getting tired. One horrible waste of flesh insulting a slightly-less-horrible waste of flesh shouldn’t earn them fucking kudos and click-baity headlines. Rice was a bad person who did terrible things and I doubt she’s changed much since then.
You’ll be hearing from my lawyers - I’ve been internet commenting for 10 years and merely putting some punctuation in my name shows a clear lack of taste.
You just keep getting better and better! Please, tell me more about all the people you sue. :D
Hahaha, holy crap, you know nothing about Fair Use, do you? I’m not sure what I enjoy more - the fact that you’re so wrong or the fact that you’re so condescending about it.
“It’s not that simple.” Man, this is good Kinja.
1) Yes, apparently it did.
How dare you say anything against our future queen, Albert! Are you a misogynist? Are you a Trump supporter? Do you hate minorities?! If you’re not with us, you’re against us and if Clinton loses it’s YOUR fault, and not the campaign’s, in any way.
You may want to discuss blood pressure medication with your primary care physician, lest you suffer acute medical distress in situations such as these.
I’d like to point out that there were counter-protests at the Bills game, with many kneeling in solidarity with the movement. I know that doesn’t get clicks like the sensationalizing does, but that’s the truth of it.
Not sure if trolling or stupid.
It’s depressing as hell how many Filipino-Americans love Duterte. I just don’t get it.
Well, we can split it up - maybe China-Texas, Russia-Florida? It all comes out in the wash, really.
... you’re an idiot. This entire thread was a waste of everyone’s time, and it’s your fault.
Dude, China IS Florida. Shit we think is insane and only happens in Texas/Florida happens every day all over that country. It’s like the Wild West.
“...some of us have been asking to see ourselves better-reflected, at least in comics and video games.”
“The difference is statistically significant, but it’s not exactly a reason for all women to ceremoniously dump their pill packets—just something to think about when they consider which method of birth control may be right for them.”
This article should have been about half the length and focused around this sentence.…