OMG! Ponies!

Working out makes me slightly less bored. Also, less flab hanging over my waistband makes me feel less worthless.

I'm not 25. I'm 37 (meaning that I have about 25 years experience playing with myself).

I completely understand the self-doubt that comes from being a short man.

I generally cut way back on the porn when I'm in a relationship because, to put it delicately, it undercuts my sex drive. While I'm no expert in male sexuality, I do have almost 25 years' experience dealing with how my body actually works. And there's only so much sex (solo or partnered) that I can handle.

It depends. Shorter than 5' for a man, 4'6" for a woman. My brother qualified. My mom (5' even) and myself (5'3") do not.

I've been relatively fortunate when it comes to cars. My first car was a Honda Civic. My second car was a Honda Insight. And now I drive a Prius. All cars for short people.

As my mom, who was your height, would say: Men are short. Women are "petite."

No. But I need a step ladder in my kitchen to reach anything above the bottom shelf of my cabinets and routinely have to ask for help reaching stuff in stores.

The average height for American men is 5'11". So I am definitely not just an inch and a half shorter than average.

I have to buy jeans in the young men's department because no one makes jeans with a 28" inseam


This isn't a news story.

So the Internet startup company I started is having its IPO tomorrow.

Congratulations and felicitations to my equine internetty partner in crime!

As expected, it's completely half-assed and mealy-mouthed.

This isn't any help at all.

I'm a white straight man, age 37. I have a post-graduate degree, live in an urban center, and have money.

You womenfolk just don't want to actually listen to what she was really saying.

It's not that Mitt Romney is to blame.