
The Model T Ford was a cheap bare-bones type automobile. There was nothing advanced or radical about it whatsoever, whereas the Model X is cutting edge in a number of ways. Two totally different types of cars that really can’t be compared. It’s hard to understand why you even made the comparison in the first place,

Fail. You are suppose to setup the 1234 joke for someone else. Not be greedy and take the setup and punchline. For shame!

Get off your butt, get a job, work your way up, kiss ass if need be, and stop complaining.

There aren’t enough dual planet systems, in hospitable zones, with sufficient/correct atmosphere, with a long-lived magnetosphere, with consistent enough environments, with a correct recipe for advanced proteins, with proteins that learn to replicate, with life that survives multiple extinction events, with creatures

This is how I think it'll really go:

A Serbian Lego.

I’m probably alone in this sentiment, but I’m fucking sick of Anthony Bourdain.

It seems to me like they need to give themselves a larger margin of error. If so much has to go perfectly, even if it worked it would be difficult to maintain consistency. Maybe have the rocket hover at the end instead of land, and have something on the barge ultimately secure it?

Embrace the uncertainty, folks!

Nimoy is gone.

Yeah I was interested in seeing this until I saw that Secrest was involved.

the secrest behind this making of this movie

You feel guilty about finding an attractive person attractive?

It's a sad day when nobody cares about vaginas any more.

I subscribe to the view that this movie actually takes place in the psychedelically deranged night terrors of Dr Ian Malcolm, which, to me, means they can do whatever the f-hell they like.

Shut up, Scientists! Always have to ruin everything with facts and accuracy.

I would hope they doubled down on security. ;)

Here's to all those big raptors!

A Trailer...... for a Trailer........ #classic #Hollywood

"Commander, please settle a dispute that my crew and I are having. In 'The Quasar Dilemma,' the Sentient had taken control of the ship's guidance systems, however..."