
Cyanide capsules?

pssst. Vimeo vids have a seek function.

My toes winced looking at this, subconsciously feeling that it needs to be flattened out

Mars. The only planet in the solar system known to be colonized entirely by robots

Are you employed by the Madrid Tourism Board lol? Emotions...

Waste of time in an outdated piece of software not intended for design. Article could have read "Man failed to research architectural design tools and used choppy, antiquated, limited system thus wasting two years to design and build something" (which could have taken lesser time to do elsewhere)

Now playing

Why the heck would you post this detractionistic deviation from knowledge? You're contributing to global stupidity even by hearsay:

Hollywood, please stop. Stop now. Milking Marvel because you're running out of ideas...give me a break. It's more like hollywood is cutting corners and litigation costs through pounding the rights studios already have. Anyone else notice a sudden increase in Marvel populism and celebration of comic cons that

Well written article. Thank you

Yep. Foresee payphones coming back once the Apple and Android hype inevitably passes like other fashions. People will generally THINK more and read more

This advice is for idiots. A towel? Really? Next you'll be saying if you forget a toothbrush, a razor, or feel like a midnight snack, call the concierge, they'll be happy to bill you. What a joke

Read a book. Consider the brevity of life. Build something, improving life for all.

It's interesting that a natural process is used, but have museums looked into using biologically safe chemical cleaning tools in lieu of ammonia and flesh-eating beetles? Ammonia and beetles require energy to maintain and biologically safe chemical cleaning tools can cut that energy expense over time.

Looks like plans for farms on the Death Star. (citation required and welcomed)

Well written and researched article. Thank you

Too much work

A copy of Microsoft Word 2010 with default font in Times New Roman size 12 point with one inch margins on the borders.