Anaclara Pérez

At first glance, a few days ago, I was interested in the original article thinking it was really about feminism and housewifery, given that I'm looking to go down the SAHM road not that far in the future. I got one paragraph in and almost vomited. Having a vagina doesn't make me a better full time caretaker for my

This response displays nothing more than blatant bigotry and hatred. How you're pointing out the supposed hatred in the author and commenters is astounding.

Maybe it's merely an issue of semantics, butthe phrases "housewife" and "stay-at-home-mom" are inherently sexist, aren't they? Because they automatically assign gender to the role of home-maker? How can anyone who supports such gender roles call themselves "feminist"?

This is also true. Frankly, the US system is not built around supporting childcare/rearing by anyone but the most affluent. Which is a big problem.

On the flip side, for some of us SAHM's, we don't really have the financial option to hold down FT paid employment. The way our current tax code is structured really places a huge financial penalty on the lower-earning spouse between the married tax brackets not being twice that of singles, and all the phaseouts of

Since it's apparent you didn't actually read the article, nobody thinks your choice are anti-feminist. Saying that you are uniquely suited to do stay home and raise your kids because you're a woman, though, is anti-feminist.

Wow, those quotes are horrible, I can't agree with Tracie more. I am a SAHM for a year or two, not because my husband wouldn't be good at it, or because I am better at it than him, or because it is what I am supposed to do as a woman, but because I, an individual, wanted to do it. I can go into a long spiel about how

I consider myself a feminist, and I can't wait to become a stay-at-home-wife (and someday mother). Why? Because I choose to (and not for traditional gender roles!). I dislike my job, my boyfriend loves his, and I really want to do things I love instead of working a desk job every day (whereas my bf LOVES his job,

Amen. Or, Awomen.

I sort of want to embroider that last sentence on a pillow and put it on my couch for all who enter my home to see. It's a perfect summary of what is wrong with the statements made in the original New York Mag article.

How will you prove that you're prettier in a boxing ring?

Nothing more feminist than arguing that you're prettier than another woman.

Obviously it's complicated, because you need to make sacrifices for your kids, but I think if you're in a financial position to stay at home, and that's what you really want to do, making yourself unhappy by staying in a career you don't really want just so your kids can have an "example" might end up sending the

Yeah you sound super feminist

Feminist housewife, here. (Hey, girl!)

Wow, this is terrible. I was ready to jump to defend all of us feminists who like to cook/clean/take care of babies, but to say that you like/are good at those things because you are a woman is LITERALLY anti-feminist. It's not anti-feminist to like to bake, only to say that that desire has something to do with your

I would like to quit my job and stay home full time and take care of my dog. I have an great job in a truly rewarding career and have been very successful. But I will leave this all behind in the blink of an eye to stay at home with my dog. I would stay home with her all day, playing with her and her giant box of

No one is asking you to be "boys and girls at the same time", lady. I'm just asking you to be a grown up.