Suddenly Zerglings...Hundreds of them

This is exactly correct. Stepping back, I understand plaguechild’s view. We plucked this lone guy out of a sea of a billion and chose to rip him apart. However, the relevance is exactly what you say here. It’s news because it’s not “some guy” or a single, random opinion dug up in the bowels of some forum. If that were

You’re playing devil’s advocate. That’s all this is. You’ve repeatedly stated that you do not agree with St. John’s point of view, which is an understandably unpopular opinion.

“The gap between Japan and abroad is interesting. Japan: A white person is okay, right? Abroad: We won’t forgive white-washing, cast an Asian person.”

“Free speech” you say that but it’s clear you don’t understand what actually constitutes free speech or grasp the simple fact that Facebook as a private company is under no legal obligation whatsoever to allow you a podium to voice support for a sexist, fear mongering bigot.

I can’t wait to see the controversy from this. People are gonna find something to whine about, regardless of how big of an issue it actually is.

Vanilla is what made the game interesting for you, personally most long-time players I’ve known tend to prefer either Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King. One of my favorite times in WoW ever was when I first unlocked flying and then later when I was able to afford epic Flying and get some speed, being able to

Norther Bromania

There is no such thing as “complementary medicine”. There is Medicine and there is Bullshit. If “complementary medicine” had any basis at all in scientific fact, it would be called “medicine”.

So, no, Naturopaths remain snake oil salesmen of the highest order.

Ok - but cosplayers are <1% of all women gamers. Great for them, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to dress sexy or embody a sexual character, but why do well over half (and more likely over 90%) of all significant female characters in video games have to be sexualized? I mean I know the answer, games are

As someone who actually owns a hard top convertible previous generation Miata, the hardtop is the only thing I will accept.

A spectacular idea everyone else is WRONG

It’s still very lovely and warm and friendly, just like seven was.

It’s a Focus RS on drugs. Duh.

I feel like if you’re going to give an absolute opinion, you shouldn’t start off with “I don’t [involve myself with the thing I’m about to opine].”

Gamers: “Wah, game devs don’t take risks”

It's a little known fact, but Grover "The Hammer" Cleveland came out of retirement in 1891 to taunt President Benjamin "Jabroni" Harrison. His insults were so well-received he won the contentious 1892 election, becoming the first and only President to serve two non-consecutive terms. He would have run for a third