He said in the very next sentence:
He said in the very next sentence:
To the defense of Ubisoft, Blood Dragon was based on part of Far Cry 3's map. Far Cry Primal is the entire Far Cry 4 map. That’s alot of new textures and new models to make, not to mention an entire new “beast mastery” system, and other new mechanics added into the game.
SHUT UP! Enough already, Tavarish! Who cares about Aston Martin, anyway? The company has only one design, for Christ’s sake! DB11? Vantage? Vanquish? They’re the same design! Doesn’t anybody notice this? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!
I completely agree with you. Murder has intention to kill someone. This should be three counts of manslaughter. It was a horrible accident and truly is a tragedy, but locking someone up for life for driving like an idiot is just as tragic. This asshole didn’t mean to kill that many people.
DotA is far enough removed from Warcraft 3 that it was always kind of it’s beast - it just used the sandbox handed out by Blizzard to create it. Just like how Team Fortress and Counter-Strike were created using the Half-Life engine, originally, as a mod.
You’re really grasping at straws if all you can come up with is “hurr durr, Blizzard is copying TF2 and DOTA”. Notice how those two games have nothing in common, beyond both being team games. You could go so far to say that it might be like a new genre. Perhaps FPSBA or something. Yes, TF2 and Overwatch are both…
This is what I strongly dislike about the slow culture change in the gaming industry - entitlement. What makes you entitled to take a game, play it, and then determine if you want to pay the hardworking individuals that made it? You don’t go to a restaurant and eat the food then determine if you want to pay.
I’ve always felt like the best way to handle hacking is to give it an indepdent environment to thrive in. Like you said, plenty of the people that hack are just genuinely curious how things work and like tinkering. There’s nothing wrong with a little reverse engineering for the sake of knowledge. Of course, this leads…
Didn’t he also say that Khan wasn’t in Star Trek: Into Darkness?
When I first saw the trailer for this, it didn’t even register that everyone was white. I was mostly surprised that something this terrible actually got bankrolled. Even if the movie was more ethnically correct, it’d still be a bad movie.
People give World of Warcraft shit all the time for having outdated graphics (even though the art direction and style is still top notch), but no one seems to give it the acclaim it needs for it’s soundtrack. FFXIV just reminds me how much better WoW’s soundtrack is to this and it’s what helps the game not feel as…
The real question is why would it matter? If the shit hits the fan, it’s not going to be because North Korea launches a nuclear missile at South Korea, or hopefully not at least. It’s going to be through attacks on their civilians, a breakdown in communication/failure in negotiations, or whatever reason Kim Jong Un…
How did you watch that entire video and get that out of it? Did you miss the first 15 minutes where they forged a prop from a video, which you could say is the real reason for the video? It’s an impressive show of workmanship, which I doubt either of us could duplicate.
No, it’s because it is infinitely easier to program for hardware that doesn’t change versus the ever evolving hardware of computers. Not just any hardware, either. It’s hardware designed to do a specific task.
Your response to an actual criticism of your argument shows that maybe you didn’t think about the whole picture when you first accused someone of not knowing what they are talking about.
Makes sense that GM would want a rear view mirror/camera. How else are you suppose to see out of a Camaro?
Maybe they took a page out of Blizzard’s ancient tome and they will just give you content as if it were included with the original price of the game - i.e. you buy Diablo 3 and you get extra content patches for free.
I never understood why people compared car repairs to computer/smartphone repairs. They are completely different beasts in completely different industries and just because people put parts into both items, they are not the same.
Maybe I’m just more prude when it comes to relationships and sex, but I think getting drunk and having a one night stand when you are in a steady relationship with one person and you both have agreed to be monogamous is absolutely indicative of a bigger issue. It seems like a lack of respect for your partner.
You do realize that all FPS games are fundamentally the same, right? You do realize what “fundamental” means, right? Generic mechanics used between multiple games does not constitute as “copying”.