
I worked with a guy that had one of these GMC/Checy trucks with a white and teal fade paint job. The best word I would use to describe it would be “delicious”.

Yasiel Puig approves.


I’m sure someone else has mentioned it, but I’ll repeat it: make sure any WRX you look at has had the water-pump and head-gasket replaced.

And apparently the white Mexicans (of Spanish descent) hate the brown Mexicans (of Native Tribal descent). So yes, there’s racism in Mexico because white people are awful.

so what you’re saying is we could soon be able to fire whiskey and bourbon at people with no problem?

I ordered a part from Deutsche last year, and got it quick. I’d only heard of ECS last spring, as I’m new to the Euro scene, but I think I won’t order from them.

Many years ago I saw a Ferrari parked on the street at Cannery Row in Monterey, a bunch of kids were leaning against it while their parents were taking pictures of them. I was so pissed.

I can’t help but love the paint colors and logo script used on these tanks, it makes them almost elegant. Unfortunately, the average Harley rider is anything but elegant. 

Wouldn’t a GPS system require the rider to have some sort of ear-piece?

This is the most hurtful fucking truth of all hurtful truths. I have people in my family that can’t/won’t do a goddamn thing for a job, and then complain about being broke.

Oh for fucksakes, this braindead dickbag.

The first few issues of Ultimate Fantastic Four by Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen were really good. The only time I ever cared about FF.

I grew up in Florida, this is some correct shit.

Is it possible to swap out the suspension for something worth a damn? Actually, would you want to?

An actual boost gauge, like the ones in SRT4s.

But what if you REALLY miss teal?

My GTI is black, which is nice, but a dark shade of purple, or burgundy, or green would be amazing.

Man, folks love to bring up that the S197 Mustangs with the modular V8 “only” had 300-315 horsepower, and then call the V6 with “only” 210 horsepower “garbage”. Nevermind that either engine could push the Mustang into 13-second and 15-second quarter-mile times, respectively. Which, in 1968, the Mustang V8 was doing

Listen man, if you’ve got the time and money, these hand-built AWD death-machines fucking amazing to cruise in.