
Back in October I moved my family from Salt Lake City to San Diego because I got a new job. We’d only been there when the move happened.

I believe he said the real reason for the accident was he didn’t put snow tires on his car, not that car was too old.

Nice price.

This guy looks strangely like Jack Baruth.

I’ll vouch for the Dart. Loved mine when I got it, I regret that the Tigershark 2.4 sucked.

Wait, you’re saying this is the same as a Toureg, just a different suspension, AND if you go with the V6 Cayanne, it’s not going to be as much of a heartbreaker when you make repairs?

Why do I want this? It’s nearly three tons and super-expensive to maintain.

So... it was like The Wild Bunch, but in space and with aliens?

If we’re gonna have “truck nuts”, can we get a “hitch clit”? Let’s see a giant vagina hanging off the rear bumper of a truck.

Why not teal?

1. Ford Falcon XB coupé (y’know, a nice version of “the last of the V8 interceptors)

I couldn’t fit a jogging stroller in the trunk of my Si sedan, probably because it was a fixed-front-wheel-style jogger. Beleive me I tried, and I regret trading in that car to this day.

Regardless of what has been said on Jalpnik in past and some commentors now, a Mustang will not baby. I know, I tried.

That guy in the chair has balls of steel.

Which would be the better car for me to trade my Accord Sport: WRX, GTI, Focus ST, Fiesta ST, or Civic Si?

Down and right, like God intended.

But that’s what you should do. I should have been more precise with my question, will something break every other day ending in “y” and will it cost me well north of my soul to fix it? Are the electrics better in a Porsche than a Benz?

How reliable are Mercedes of that vintage? I’ve always liked Mercedes-Benz more than BMW (BLASPHEMY!), but that’s what I’m into. If I were to get a used German sedan from the 2000s, I’d like to get something that won’t make me wish I’d rather set a pile of money on fire and wish I still had my 2014 Dodge Dart.

you’re right about that Benz, I’m thinking of sunsets on Highway 1 just north of Santa Cruz on the way to Morrow Bay.

That’s a Mitsubishi Eclipse with a dragon mural, right?