Let's do the math[1]:
Let's do the math[1]:
"Always be prepared," the motto of the boy scouts, isn't a bad one to live by. You may not need a backup battery most days, or multiple USB flash drives, but they don't take up much space and, when needed, they're indispensable. Reader Brian Geraghty assembled a go bag with a GRID-IT stuffed full with preparation.
I use static IP's for most tasks. If you have devices that communicate over a network, having them not change at random is a god send. If the old way works perfectly well, and the new way isn't better, why change?
All journals need to either start off with "Captain's log...." or "My name is Michael Westin, and I used to be a spy until ....."
Being the foreman is fairly easy, at least in my experience. The jury selects the foreman on their own, and the only reason I wound up doing it is because the other jurors agreed that I seemed like a reasonably smart guy who was willing to do it.
Then you refinance and eliminate the PMI that way.
More like 5150.
Jeez, is it really that hard to just get a can of spray paint and take that shit off? Besides, if it passes inspection, it's fine. NP
The lighter brown racing stripes make me think it looks like a beaver...
Maybe the turbo or supercharged 4 from the Cobalt SS, just to keep it in the family? That would make it pretty damn quick.
for $5k I say NP all day... lot of talk about swapping in 3.4L V6's or 2.4L i-4s but might just keep it stock
I'd go so far to say as it is 80-90% of what you eat and the rest is exercise/supplements. I think it's important to emphasize that you can't exercise away a bad "diet." If what you ate and how you workout were truly equal, I would probably have a much easier time getting ripped :(. But alas, it is far too easy to…
OneDrive to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
Personally I'd just score some steelies and call it a day.
Logic says this thing is horrible and must be killed immediately, if not sooner. Fuck logic. It's goofy, I like it.
Staying home as always. The hell do I wanna be around a bunch of drunk bozos on a Tuesday/Wednesday for?
Charles Duhigg's book, "The Power of Habit", is a very interesting read with great anecdotes and I've recommended it to a lot of my friends as well.