
I was just going to lower it. because it looks like a suv in the side profile. but once photoshop is open I get carried away. So heres a Mustang WRX Edition.

Dear car, I know I'm close to the next driver up ahead, I'm just about to overtake them. Dear car, I know I crossed my lane without indicating. That's because there's nobody here.

I would say jobs over profit. The profit ends up mostly in the hands of CEOs and the like, the 1% ers. Look at any financial data on these guys and you'll see that they don't spend that money. On the other hand, buying a Civic made in the U.S. provides a job for many people here. Those people are paid by Honda then


This was really my dad's, but he had some sort of Tandy. I know it said Radioshack on it and it had those three color dots in the middle and one red key—I remember more about the object than whatever it actually did.

If that's the case why not just go prepaid. Save you a whole lot of money.

Van Hagar > Van Halen.

That works very for Macs via Terminal too.

You can use the same approach for creating backups (using dd). It's not the most efficient method, but it creates a complete backup in case your card fails. I have made my backup script here:…

But not inside pi's shell, I think...Lol!

Stuck with Linux? STUCK with Linux?

Great vehicle, but an emotional price, possibly seeking to recoup the owners costs, and not portraying the actual value of the truck.

I recently had to switch from Word 2003 (which I knew inside out) to Word 2007, which I really dislike. Search Commands looks like it'll make my life a heck of a lot easier. Thanks for recommending it.

The problem with this is that it is subjective and speculative. Just because you can upgrade the kitchen, bathroom, whatever, doesn't mean that it will appraise at a higher value. The money you sink into the improvements is not necessarily going to help you. In fact, any time you re-appraise, you risk having your

I'm torn between voting Livescribe notebooks and moleskine. Livescribe is better by miles as long as you have a livescribe pen... but I'm not sure that counts.


Concessions are the only thing theaters make money from. I am pretty sure they don't get to keep any of the ticket revenue, so that is why snacks and drinks are as pricey as they are.

Thich Nhat Hanh's idea of "washing the dishes to wash the dishes" is something I think of often: "In fact we are completely incapable of realizing the miracle of life while standing at the sink. If we can’t wash the dishes, the chances are we won’t be able to drink our tea either. While drinking the cup of tea, we

Why is an invaluable question. Often the most powerful question you can ask. The key is in understanding when there is no why and no value in seeking one.

I feel like I can shorten this article. Which Microcontroller platform should you use?

Do you want it to work? Use Arduino. Use Arduino Ethernet if your sensor needs to be on a network for some reason.